1 Hr Limit


Having purchased a couple of templates for post-beginner I have noticed that all require more volume as one progresses. I am one that lifts because it makes my life easier overall. I wish I was one that had the inherent love for it but alas I do not.

With that I find myself struggling with the amount of time and effort required. My sessions with 5 min rest periods to allow fatigue reduction push to 1.5 hours. Feeling gassed and lacking energy is common even with good food and rest. If one was to limit a session to one hour would the recommendation be to focus on two primary lifts with appropriate volume or to reduce RPE allowing the reduction of rest time between sets so a third lift could be included.

My apologies if there isn’t enough info. I’m truly appreciative of what Information and science based intellect BBM brings to the field.

Kind regards.

My preference in this situation would be to reduce rest periods to 3 minutes or so and do all the exercises. If that isn’t enjoyable and compromises adherence, I’d just do the 2 first exercises. To be clear though, I don’t like the idea of reducing volume as it is highly correlated with both fitness adaptations and health-related outcomes.
