So It’ll take a week or so before a BBM coach and nutritionist will be picked up for me -
In the meanwhile I thought it would be nice to think of how to or not\ adjust the end of my NLP
in order to make the transition to bbm style program abit better\smooth , so the world would be a better place of course :
The case would be that BBM tends to prefer higher volumes
while In Practical Programing at a NLP near end-
the volume remains untouched while fatigue is being managed abit better by reducing frequency\light days etc.
Simple reason would follow that -
before moving to BBM you should not reduce ‘weekly volume’ near the NLP end -
otherwise the sudden increase in volume starting BBM would be harder to tolerate
due to the well known tension between the SS “volume allergies” and the BBM volume affections.
(although I’d guess a light\loading week would be prescribed beforehand)
On the other hand -
no one would like to receive a filthy trainee dragging his bag of filthy accumulated fatigue .
I guess my choices are either -
a.Make a mini peak , to test some 1 RM’s , and come to BBM nice and clean , accumilated fatigue - down the pipe.
b. add back off sets - 3x5 working sets , 2 backoffs at 80-85%.
c. transition to 1 working set , 2 back offs 80-90%.
d. doesn’t matter freaking matter - chill, still a novice bruh, you’ll survive w\e no problems , it’s RPE heaven here -you’ll self regulate yourself brother… no volume could touch you ;)…
stats near end of NLP currently 69KG 1.71cm (i.e no failed reps yet , but hovering since last week at RPE 9\10) .
*Bench press 5RM - 105kg
*Overhead press 5 RM - 75kg
*Ultra narrow frog Deadlift - 135kg .
*Squat - 100kg ( squat undertrained ATM trying to fix some technique and pain).
Program normal NLP, Deadlift every 4th session.