Hi! I’m starting GSCII tomorrow after a couple years on PB3 and Low Fatigue. I am not seeing GSCII on the App. I can see how the conditioning logging might be problematic on the App but any plans to get this template on there? It’s really nice for looking at history of loads and RPE by lift.
I doubt it’s a problem, but I already do 4-5 brisk 35 min trail walks with my dogs per week. Zone 1 stuff (not steep). I’m thinking this can continue just fine since I’m already adapted to the zone 1 walks plus 1-2 Wingate sessions and 2 30 min RPE 6 cardio efforts with 4 days of lifts…but I would love your opinion. In case it matters I turn 50 in a couple weeks and I am coming down in BF after going from 170 BW about 2.5 years ago to 202 in December and now down to 194 in the last 5 months. Using Carbon during all this gain and now loss phase. Probably more info than you need or want Thank you!
Hey Joel,
Thanks for the post. Yep, currently working on some updates to the app to make the template work well on that platform. I’d be 100% fine with you continuing the z1 activity. Glad to see you’re doing well, buddy! Let me know how the template goes for you.
Thanks so much Jordan! I have continued with the dog walks and the template has made it so that I’ve added 20 lb of weight to keep my heart rate at around low end of z1 unless I’m going up a hill on the dog trail!
The template is great and I’m loving it actually. Lifts are steady or improving on everything but bench which is hanging in there while I lose weight and do less specific volume. Cardio has improved to a stunning degree at the 8 week mark in the template! I’ve knocked about 1 minute off my z2 mile time on the trail runs. Remarkable. Yesterday at work I did run on a treadmill and that mile time(s) were over 2 min less than the initial trail run HR. I’m enjoying this training so much …I really am loving it!