Gym Tourism in KC

I’m visiting Kansas City next week and just wanted to know if any of you fine people have any recommendations for gyms to visit in KCMO.

(please do not respond with ‘google it’. I know how to find gyms, I want to know if there are any you like.)

I hope this isn’t too late, but Jordan is from that neck of the woods, and will be visiting there again soon, so he might have some recommendations.

Update: my friend who I stayed with lived a block away from a Gym KC location.

Lots of pluses: very reasonably priced, and some stainless Ohio power bars lying around.

Minus: definitely not a black iron gym by any stretch and a lot of other equipment is … vintage. Not quite the old old school nautilus machines but definitely late model. PM3 on the concept 2 rowers.

i would definitely consider a membership if I lived there, and would have gone more had I not gotten sick.