“In season” meet prep length

Hi Jordan,

I’ve seen you and others use the term “off-season” powerlifters when referring to greater exercise variety, training modalities etc.

Curious, what would you consider an “in-season” powerlifter? Safe to assume someone prepping for a meet, but what in your opinion is the ideal time to be “in-season” to prep for a meet?

Also Is it fair to assume that elite powerlifters who compete regularly are truly never “off-season”?

To me, in-season would mean prepping for a meet or -as is the case with national and international level lifters- a series of meets. For example, USAPL lifters typically have to qualify for nationals at some point prior to the national meet itself, then compete in nationals. The time encompassing both meets would be in season from my perspective. I’m not sure there’s an ideal time to be in season per se’, save for being “before” the meet.

I think the more experienced the lifter becomes, the more off season they’ll tend to have. To me, it’s a reflection of their evolving needs as an athlete.