Have you given any thought to creating a downloadable for master lifters, 40 plus y/o.?
I could use one.
Have you given any thought to creating a downloadable for master lifters, 40 plus y/o.?
I could use one.
A downloadable what?
Have you listened to our stuff, or read around much on these forums?
lifter1, a lot of us are 40+ and we do great on the Barbell Medicine templates. Read through the training Q/A forum and you’ll see.
A 40+ lifter is not old, and unless you’re FAR older than 40ish, I’d argue you’re not even special. I know that is not very popular sometimes, but this is going to be my new auto-post: 40+ is not a special lifting population.
47 and I am;
Not old (sometimes I say I am but I’m kidding). I am an adult, although I often act like a child both to my enjoyment and detriment.
Of the opinion the BBM templates are actually better* geared for adults. If you are a young kid you could probably get something out of TM or whatever.
*For the sake of clarification and people obsessed with semantics: I’m just saying it works well enough that you dont need to write a separate program. Yes my opinion is that the templates are better, meaning more efficient and well designed, than other programs I have tried. I don’t have an opinion on TM it is just an easily typed example.
40? Time to hang it up and just go for short walks.
Are you saying TM is better for a young kid? I was 30 and I got great strength gains for 6 weeks, a bit more for 8 weeks of peaking, lots of fat and no muscle gainzZz.
Ask my wife, I may be almost 40, but I am definitely not old. Whatever happened to the saying “life starts at 40”?
Like Morganism, I am too much of a child, which my kiddo loves and at times my wife doesn’t.
I do not think the BBM templates are BETTER for an adult (not sure what that exactly means here either). They are quite appropriate for most training populations, and a young kid would not expect to get more out of TM or whatever. That kind of implies this idea that any young kid can just do ANYTHING for training and see great results. There are a few problems with that idea.
I’m saying I prefer the BBM templates for adults.
I don’t have an opinion on TM I was just using it as an example which is easily typed. Im glad you enjoyed it.
I would say, very very generally, when younger you are more sensitive to any kind of training. That includes things like math and language not just physical training. However results, genetics, circumstances and individuals will vary. I know from years of training in martial arts with people of various ages recovery is definitely significantly better when your younger.
Just wanted to chime in and say that I am a “kid” by strength training measures at 19, and I have gotten plenty of results out of The Bridge and the 12 Week Strength Template. These are not just suitable for “adults”
I know this is slightly off the subject but I’m not sure I understand the “master” thing anyway in the context of strength training.
When they first made it up I’m pretty sure I remember it was a running thing for people 35 and up.
Wouldn’t a strengthlifting person who trained from a young age be reaching their apex in their 40’s or maybe even 50?
I mean maybe if it was like 70+ or something it might make more sense to me?
You’re an adult as far as I know. I have a 19 year old son who is an adult. I have a 27 year old son who is not an adult. My father died at 70 last year and was the least adult person I have ever met.
Personally I wasn’t meaning to exclude any age in my comments simply to INCLUDE all ages.
I’m sorry if my typing leaves something to be desired, a downloadable training template., and no, I’m new to the forum. I only found about you guys YouTube channel about two weeks ago.