minimum frequency of accessory exercises

If one is “time crunched” and wants to prioritize available training time for the barbell lifts and conditioning, is there any benefit to performing exercises, such as biceps curls, knee extension machine, planks, calf raises, etc, if they only get performed periodically like once every 3-4+ weeks (during extra time like holidays/days off work)?

I would think at least once within 14 days could stimulate progress but a longer interval risks DOMS and just starting over again.

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Good question. We don’t really know, but if allowed to speculate…

I think that training adaptations take a long time to be fully realized. Rather than “stress recovery adaptation” taking place over discrete periods of days or weeks, I think it’s messier and longer.

Without going too far into the weeds, my feeling is that training stress is is bolused in 4-6 week chunks. Doing more training in that period of time is likely to generate more fitness adaptations compared to less training.

In your case, doing infrequent accessory training is more training than you’d otherwise do, likely driving more fitness compared to not doing it at all. More would be better, but some is better than none.

I don’t think frequency matters that much outside of volume.

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