Looking for guidance here. On day 3, week 1 of the GPP hypertrophy template, looks like it prescribes myoreps:
14-16 @ RPE 8, 3-5
for one of the following:
2ct Paused Leg Press or Belt Squat w/ pause or SSB Squat w/ pause or Front Squat w/ pause
Since i don’t have a SSB or access to a leg press, looks like i’ll be doing belt squat with pause. I’m visualizing myoreps with paused squats and, um, it doesn’t seem pretty. Anyone do myoreps with paused squats before? what was your experience?
The pauses must be punishment for not buying the 4 day program. The 4 day program lists all the same exercise options for the squat myo rep day, minus the pauses. Front squat myo reps are bad enough as it is, I can’t imagine adding a pause.
Also, I think belt squat refers to using a belt squat machine, not doing back squat with a belt. Maybe you knew that already, but I would guess that if you had access to a belt squat, you would probably have access to a leg press. But, who knows, I could be wrong about all of it.
Before acquiring a SSB, I just subbed high bar squats, still got the job done. Put it this way, you’ll only be working in the 50 - 60% 1 RM range with Myo reps anyway, and I’d wager throwing paused reps on top of what is already a near vomit inducing set in of itself will curtail the number reps you ultimately grind out, which is kind of the name of the game.
I’d also ad a SSB is a great bit of kit if you can stretch to it, particular for this kind of thing.