Novice looking to cut - continue SL?

Hi, first time poster here
Have been running SL 5×5 for the last 3 months
Current working weights (pretty much started with an empty bar on most lifts):

squat 200
deadlift 220
bench 185
Row 165
press 110
Body weight 187 > 202, 5’9, 40’ waist (MUST CUT NOW!)

Was thinking about going into a minor deficit diet while maintaining SL for as long as I can until my waist size becomes more managable… would love to hear some feedback


Welcome! I’d suggest the SS LP with 3 sets of 5 over Strong Lifts, however, you are making progress in your training and that is good. Check out this article on nutrition and training To Be A Beast - Barbell Medicine

You can make small changes to your intake and continue training.