Possible herniation?

Hello guys

I had good mornings programmed but ive never done them before and i loaded them heavy and probably my back flexed at the end range and pain started to build up over three weeks. I ditched good mornings and the pain resolved in 2 weeks during those weeks i deadlift/squat as normal but during light warm ups i felt the spot that was irritated from good mornings its on the base of lower back right side behind obliques. Now during those light warm ups there is no pain it feels distracting/bothersome but when i reach heavier weights i dont notice it. There is no pain post training or the days followed just during the lighter warm ups. Could this be a disc herniation/bulge or am i overthinking it?

I would not jump to that conclusion from your description here, and even if that were the case, the prognosis is quite good from the trajectory you are describing. This sounds like a fairly typical case of doing “too much, too soon”.

I would read this article and apply it: Pain in Training: What To Do?

If you are in need of further individualized assistance, a consultation with our rehab team would be a great next step.