Running out of time to train

Sirs and Madam (sorry Leah),

What is the preferred method to address a missed lift due to time restraints? For example;

I am using The Bridge template(3 days/per week, MWF). I missed my Friday session so moved it to Saturday. Due to Family obligations, I ran out of time to get my Tempo Squats in. I am wondering what you recommend to address this?

1- just hit it harder/stronger on the next training day (Monday)
2- do Tempo Squats on Sunday (missing out on a rest day between squats). Since using the RPE scale instead of percentages, I lean this direction.But still, wonder about recovery since I am not as young as I once was (40).
3- on the days I know time is short, do one less set of each lift so I can get a few sets of tempo squats in.

Thank you guys,


I would do the squats on the rest day. Would try to get all the work in.

Hi B,

You can make up your missed squats, and if you do, you should actually keep the tempo squats in line with what you have been doing, being careful to not overshoot the RPE. I find that pull to push that single lift on a day like that can be costly to your next training session, so don’t warm up and think-“Oh, I feel so awesome since I’m not fatigued from the other lifts I normally have in this session. I’ll make a BIG jump today.”

And if you are short on time, I would cut the rest times short getting the reps in over cutting off the volume.

I am just getting my mind to shift into taking longer rest periods. I never even thought of speeding that up. I guess RPE is RPE regardless of the weight on the bar?
