Ryan Benson's training log


2-0-0 Banded Calves - 5x13@7
2-0-0 Hammer Curls - 5x10@7
Tricep DB Kickbacks - 5x10@7
V-ups - 5x5
5 Planks - (:20-:30) - :40 Rest
Airdyne - 3 Rounds - 4 minutes @8, 3 minutes@3
Rower - 2 Rounds - 4 minuites@8, 3 minutes@3


12/9/24 ( I’m still pretty fatigued from yesterday)

Warm-up: 4 Way Wrist Stretch

Front Squats (with Belt) - 135x3@5 (No belt) - 165x3@6, 185x3@8, 165x3x3
One Leg Hip Thrust - BW x10@8 - 3 sets
Lunges (with DBs) - 20s x 12@8 - 1 set, 15s x 12@7-8
Sled Drags + 40-50 - Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes @ RPE 5-6
30 Minute Z2 Bike


2-1-0 Wide Grip Bench - 200x3@7.5, 185x3x3
(Warm-up - DB Pullover - 3x12@20lb + (:20) Chin Grip Dead Hang)
One Arm Pulldown - 50x9 - 4 sets
2Ct Neutral Grip Seated Row - 87.5x8@8 - 2 sets
Paused DB Shoulder Press -35x8@8 - 3 sets
Incline 2-0-0 DB Curls (20sx8 - 5 sets@7)
2-0-0 V-Grip One Arm Pushdowns (20x8 - 5 sets@7)
Seated 2-0-0 DB Calf Raises - 25x12- 5 sets @7

30 minute Z2 Jog



Samson Stretch: 3x(:30) + 3 sets of 5 (per side) dead Bug

1" Deficit SLDL (+ Belt) - 260x3@8, 235x3 - 3 sets@7ish
Hatfield Split Squat - 70x8@7 - 3 sets (PR)
One Arm Farmer’s Carries - 60lbs x 20 yards - E2MoM - 12 minutes
Hamstring Curls - 4x12
2-0-0 Hammer Curls - 5 sets of 10
Tricep Kickbacks - 5 sets of 10
V-ups - 5 sets of 6

12/23/24 ( I’m still pretty fatigued from yesterday)

Warm-up: 4 Way Wrist Stretch + wrist curls - 3x10

Front Squats (with Belt) - 135x3@5 (No belt) - 185x3@7, 195x3@8 180x3
One Leg Hip Thrust - BW x10@8 - 2 sets
Lunges (with DBs) - 12s x 12@7 - 2 set
Sled Drags + 50 - Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes @ RPE 5-6

12/26/24 (De-load continues)

Merry Christmas to all of you!

2-1-0 Wide Grip Bench - 205x3@7.5, 195x3
(Warm-up - DB Pullover - 3x13@20lb + (:20) Chin Grip Dead Hang)
One Arm Pulldown - 50x8 - 4 sets
2Ct Neutral Grip Seated Row - 100x8@8 - 2 sets
Paused DB Shoulder Press -30x8@8 - 2 sets



Samson Stretch: 3x(:30) + 3 sets of 5 (per side) dead Bug

1" Deficit SLDL (+ Belt) - 225x3@8, 205x3
Hatfield Split Squat - 50x8@7 - 3 sets
One Arm Farmer’s Carries - 55-60lbs x 20 yards - E2MoM - 12 minutes
Hamstring Curls - 4x12

Plan on doing a Light Jog/Row Later - 30 Minute Z2

12/30/24 (I’m still feeling fatigued, weights reflect that)

Warm-up: 4 Way Wrist Stretch + wrist curls - 3x10

Front Squats (with Belt) - 135x3@5 (No belt) - 185x3@8, 170x3 - 2 sets
One Leg Hip Thrust - BW x10@8 - 3 sets
Lunges (with DBs) - 10s x 12@7 - 3 set
Sled Drags + 40- 50 - Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes @ RPE 5-6

1/1/25 Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to all of you!

2-1-0 Wide Grip Bench - 215x3@8, 205x3 - 2 sets
(Warm-up - DB Pullover - 3x12@20lb + (:20) Chin Grip Dead Hang)
One Arm Pulldown - 50x8 - 4 sets
2Ct Neutral Grip Seated Row - 90x8@8,9 - 2 sets
Paused DB Shoulder Press -35x8@8 - 3 sets
30 minute Peloton - 138 HR average



Samson Stretch: 3x(:30) + 3 sets of 5 (per side) dead Bug

1" Deficit SLDL (+ Belt) - 255x3@8, 235x3 - 2 sets
Hatfield Split Squat - 50x8@7 - 3 sets
One Arm Farmer’s Carries - 45-60lbs x 20 yards - E2MoM - 12 minutes
Hamstring Curls - 4x12@ 66lbs

Plan on doing a Light Jog/Row Later - 30 Minute Z2


Bike - 5 rounds -

4 min @ 150HR
3 min @110HR

2-0-0 hammer curls - 5x10@20s
Tricep kickbacks - 5x10@8s
2-0-0 Calf raises - 5x12@7


3 way wrist stretch + DB wrist curls - 3 rounds

Front squat - up to 190x3 ….before I realized I was doing something g else today lol

2-1-0 HBBS - 175x6@6 (no belt), 200x6@7 (belt), 210x6@8 (belt)
2-1-0 RDL - 135x8@6, 145x8@7, 155x8@8
Leg Curls - 90x8@8 (Pretty sure this is a PR), 80x10@9
30 minute peloton Z2

Still kinda off. Not sure…:person_shrugging:


2-1-0 45° Incline Bench - 135x6@6, 145x6@7, 150x6@8
Larsen Press - 185x8@6, 190x8@7, 195x8@9
V-Grip Pulldown - 110x8@8 - 2 sets, 100x11@9
Chest Supported Row - 50x8@8 - 2 sets, 50x10@9
Sled Pushes - +70lbs (:30 x 20 minutes)


30 minutes Z2 Peloton
2-0-0 hammer curls - 5x10@20s
Tricep kickbacks - 5x12@8s
2-0-0 Calf raises - 5x14@7


Moderate Stance Sumo - 295x5@6, 305x5@7, 315x5@8
Leg Press - 180x8@6, 270x8@7, 370x8@8 (PR)
Leg Extension (Forward Lean) - 55x8 - 2 sets, 45x10@9
Waiter’s Walk - 12 minutes (20s - 20 yards down & Back)


2 rounds (Rower)
4 min@7-8
3 min@2-3

3 rounds (Treadmill)
4 min@7-8
3 min@7-8

5 minutes of planks
5x10 - Seated Salves
5x8 - Seated Curls
5x8 - V grip Pushdowns


3x 10 - Lunges
2-1-0 HBBS - 135x6@5 (no belt), 175x6@7 (belt), 185x6@7 (belt), 195x6@8 (belt), 175x6@8 (belt)
2-1-0 RDL - 95x8@4, 115x6@6 125x8@7, 135x8@8, 125x8@7.5
Leg Curls - 90x8@8 - 2 sets 70x10@9 - 2 sets
20 min sled pushes - one push @RPE 5 every 3 minutes


Push-ups - 4x10@5-6
2-1-0 45° Incline Bench - 135x6@6, 145x6@7, 150x6@8, 135x6
Larsen Press - 165x8@6, 175x8@7, 180x8@9, 165x8@7
V-Grip Pulldown - 125x8@8 - 2 sets, 110x11@9
Chest Supported Row - 50x8@8 - 2 sets, 35x10@9
30 minutes Z2 Run


Sumo with Straps - 285x5@6, 305x5@7, 325x5@8
Leg Press - 140x8@6, 200x8@7, 270x8@8, 235x8@8
Leg Extension (Forward Lean) - 55x8 - 2 sets, 45x10@9
Waiter’s Walk - 12 minutes (25s) - 20 yards down & Back
30 minutes Z2 Airbike
2-0-0 Incline DB curls - 5x9@20s
V-Grip Standing Pressdowns - One Arm - 5x9@7
2-0-0 seated Calf raises - 30lb DBs - 5x10@7
V-ups - 5 sets of 5@6


3x 10 - Lunges
2-1-0 HBBS - 135x6@5 (no belt), 185x6@6(belt), 205x6@7 (belt), 215x6@8 (PR)(belt), 195x6@8 (belt)
2-1-0 RDL - 95x8@4, 115x6@6 125x8@7, 135x8@8, 125x8@7.5
Leg Curls - 80x8@8 - 2 sets 60x12@9 - 2 sets


Mixed Bag here. I ran out of time yesterday to train, so I combined some stuff. Back/hips are shouting at me today.

20 minute Sled Push - (:30/1:30rest) - RPE 6
20 minute Row - RPE 6
10 minute Incline Walk
2-0-0 Incline DB curls - 20s - 5 sets of 8@7
2-0-0 V Grip Pushdowns - 30lbs - 5 sets of 8@7-8
2-0-0 Seated Calf Raises - 30lbs - 5x10@7