Sanity check !

Hello! if i may ask a couple sanity check questions;

  1. for my supplemental lifts, is it common for reps to trend down so much? Ex.
    PB2 week 6 day 4:
    Lateral raises dumbbell
    40lbs (total) x 18@8
    40lbs x 12@8
    40lbs x 10@8
    40lbs x 9@8
    1.5min rest between sets, for the allotted 8min total.

  2. same question for gpp days.
    Skull crushers:
    2.5 min rest.

  3. this is my third week of doing the 70% OHP amrap, with backoff sets at 63%, however i cant even manage the backoff sets at -55%.
    here is my most recent;
    95x12@9 (95lbs is 55%)
    2.5 mins rest inbetween all sets.

If there is anything I am doing incorrect here, I would appreciate any advice!
Thanks so much!



Thanks for the post. Yes, I would assume that your performance is going to drop off on limited rest periods. For reference, I don’t do lateral raises that heavy, typically sticking to 25-30’s. Try a longer rest period on the OH work if you want, or reduce the percentages further. Either way is fine. Everyone is built differently and I think this is likely to improve either way over time.


I don’t recommend any particular rep range in the context of GPP or isolation accessory work, as I don’t really care about your performance on these things with respect to reps completed per set or absolute weight. In these situations, you’re a bodybuilder, not a weight lifter. The weights are tools to build the muscles and while I want the reps completed and weight used to trend up over time, I care more about the reps being strict, stimulating the muscle, and getting a pump.

~2-3 min for rest periods are still my recommendation.

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