Who needs the programming podcast?

This is all you need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoVcuCChCSA

I’ll bet none of you can squat 140 with your “true” strength. Just lifting with your ego. You need to spend 14 months learning to squat 135 then you can really add weight.

Also, forget adding or subtracting calories, change the quality of food first. What? That’s very vague you say? What does it even mean? Well, it means stop eating grummy bears ya dingus!

Jordan and Austin are just a bunch of stupid hunks.

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I’m no USAPL judge, but I’m giving Jessie’s true strength squat three reds…

Fucking YouTube constantly pushes that Athlean-X shit in my “recommended for you” feed, despite me saying not interested. Makes you think if he is paying them for increased prominence…

That video doesn’t show an angle that allows you to determine if his squats hit depth or not.

Who are you guys, Infinite Elgintensity?

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+1 for Steve Brule

I believe that objections to his content are problems with his presentation and not the theories. Too squishy for the hoity toity Barbell Medicine crew.

What exactly is the objection to “Don’t lift so heavy your form breaks down” and “Don’t eat so much processed junk and try to fit in some whole foods”?

So you’ve never watched the video of Jordan saying it’s best to eat single-ingredient foods you prepared yourself?

I know that this is the unmoderated section, but we’re better than just pointing and laughing at somebody because they used words we think are funny.


You mean that lawyer who basically built a channel roasting crossfit? Never heard of him…

5.1 million subs and a supplement shilling website thats ostensibly Six Pack Shortcut 2.0. I’m sure Jeff Cavaliere gives zero fucks about some guys on a forum taking the piss out of one of his 140 lb (red light) squatting underlings.

Maybe, but personally I would feel more hoity toity if I made a conscious decision to consider myself above laughing at silly bs, which I’m not.

Sure, it’s not nice to laugh at some kid in the gym who has been duped into doing something stupid but IMO the sources of such BS deserve all the ridicule they can get.

What exactly is the objection to “Don’t lift so heavy your form breaks down” and “Don’t eat so much processed junk and try to fit in some whole foods”?

Absolutely none. What I am objecting to (well, more so laughing at rather than objecting to) is being so afraid of form breakdown as to not push a (mile high) squat past 135 in 14 months and being so hung up on the “quality” of foods to insist that it is more important than quantity, especially for an extremely skinny young man.

I’d actually consider myself more a highfalutin type than hoity toity…


Honestly I am a little upset about how everyone here can’t seem to quit complaining about the attitude on the SS forum then we make a thread where we make fun of a guy for using different words than us to say the same things.

It’s nothing personal. But I think it’s dangerous to ignore everything we have in common for the sake of a cheap giggle.


But he’s not using different words to say the same things, he’s inventing bullshit terms to sound tricky. ‘Compensatory strength’ for one.

To my eye at least, compensatory strength is something you would want to happen, not discourage.

But there is very little in common and this isn’t an example of pitting one community against another. It is individuals on a public forum making fun of a goofy woo peddler where anyone is free to agree or disagree.

If this was really an us vs. them situation it would most likely be BBM and SS united together against Athlean-X as the differences between BBM and SS are nearly non-existent compared to this BS.

Have to agree with the previous two posts… you’re being very generous to this guy by finding the commonalities buried amongst the word salad and ignoring the major differences. The primary underlying premise of the video is compensatory strength, which is nonsense. Furthermore he draws direct comparisons to an SS or BBM-like barbell program while making strawmen of basically saying neither program would have you focus on form and instead keep adding weight to the bar. I’m sure you know that proper form is a critical component. He adds nothing to what SS or BBM put out except a bunch of word salad which is rightly deserving of mockery. Every snake oil peddler bakes in some truth to their product to make it seem more legit.

Well, I guess there’s not much more for me to do here.

Wonder if we could get Jordan a pet like Jesse to do progress videos with?

Are you saying Jordan needs his own Chase Lindley? I hope not, don’t want to be creeped out. Honestly I felt Jesse was so skinny that it actually made me uncomfortable seeing him. Probably my perspective on the human body has been permanently altered by exposure to the SS community.

If it took Jeff Cavalier 18 months to put 20 lbs on the skinniest man alive, I think it would be impressive to see how fast Jordan and Austin could accomplish similar results.

I’ll be the pet in exchange for free one on one coaching. I’ll even let him blame everything on me if I’m not making good enough progress :smile:

I’ll do it for a tub of Gainzz RX and a t shirt.

Wow, even Blaha owns Jeff/Jesse:

In all fairness, at least Jeff is, on some level, making a positive contribution. Blaha is beyond contempt. A horrible little cyber begging parasite and pathological liar who makes drama videos to generate views from the safety of his grubby single bedroom apartment.

A veteran of 20 years of claimed barbell training whos taken enough steroids to render himself sterile, yet struggles to squat mid 400s calling anybody out is beyond the pale.

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