Cholesterol Sky High

Hi all, would love some input as I am freaking out a bit over my recent cholesterol numbers.

Got my lipids rechecked recently and was totally blindsided by my numbers. They were pretty awful.

Total Cholesterol: 376
Triglycerides: 476
HDL: 52
VLDL: 104
LDL: 220

I’m 25, 6’1 - 225 lbs (36" waist) and live a pretty active lifestyle. I lift 3 days/week and do 1 hour of LISS 3 days/week and try eat a reasonably healthy diet. I don’t eat out too much and eats lots of veggies, fiber, whole grains, etc. I had everything checked out 5 years ago and all my numbers were perfect, so I was expecting more of the same this time.

Could this be a lab error? Or if not, have I already done permanent damage to my vasculature? What could have caused such a change in only 5 years. I hate the idea of having to be on Lipitor at 25. Thanks for any input.

I would probably want to re-check it if this represents a drastic change in results, without a corresponding drastic change in your lifestyle or body composition. I would also ideally want to see a Hemoglobin A1c, a Lipoprotein(a) level, and an ApoB level measured alongside the repeat lipid panel.

With that said, I would not panic about things like “permanent damage to your vasculature” here; this is not an immediately life-threatening, urgent or emergency situation. There is more information I’d need via a consultation in order to comment more confidently on things here, but if you get it rechecked and this confirms the current findings, your next step would be to work through the items outlined here; if those are all being maximally addressed, the use of medications can be discussed from there.

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Thanks for responding so quick. I will try and get those measured and report back.