Any advice on how to mitigate getting the 'rona?
What are your thoughts on …
Vitamin D.
Probably would help right?
Like, being inside all day under “house arrest” probably isn’t the best idea right?
Supplement? or is that BS too?
Any thoughts and why most strains of flu vary seasonally, almost like clock work?
Some are saying temperature, humidiy, etc.
Could it be immune suppression due to solar intensity variations?
We (USA) aren’t very good at getting outside in the middle of day to begin with …
…now this.
Studies have shown exercise has immediate positive impacts on one’s innate immune systems.
I guess it would NOT be a good idea to slack on exercise just because your gym is shut down, right?
Any validity to the use of saunas, hot/cold therapy’s, contrast baths/showers to boost the innate immune
system to fight off colds, flus, viruses?
People can’t drop a co-morbidity right away. You can’t un-diabetic yourself or de-obese very quickly.
Any recommendations? or the appearance of publishing “hacks” (although not expense, harmless, easy to do at home, etc)
is frowned upon and would make the org look bad.