Dave's Log o' GainzZz


Hey all, I figured I’d start a log here to see if I can keep up with it. :slight_smile:

About me:
I’ve been lifting for about 4 years now. Just under a year ago I entered my first meet, which was a USSF meet. Since then, I lifted in a AAU meet here in Nebraska and at USSF nationals in January 2018. My first year-ish of training I followed the SSLP, then did some gasp Texas method. After that I wasn’t sure where to go and realized I probably don’t know enough to NOT waste my time.

Since then, I’ve been a client of BBM. It’s been about 3 years now. The first few months I was coached remotely by Rori Alter, then she left BBM and I started working with Jordan. I finally got to meet Jordan and the gang at nationals this year which was very cool.

Professionally I’m a IT systems architect. I grew up loving computers and technology in general. Still do! I became interested in training after losing about 60 pounds with diet and walking my ass off on a stairmaster. After that, I was left wondering what to do next… It seemed to make sense that I should stop losing weight and maybe see how strong I can get. I then learned of the wide world of legitimate strength training. I find it fascinating and fun to see what your body is capable of.

If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s you can do more than you think.

Since USSF nationals I’ve been working into some GPP blocks. My training is written for one more week, then I’m assuming I’ll get another 3-4 weeks of GPP to get my swole on but only Jordan knows for sure.

Generally I train Monday through Saturday, with GPP on Wednesday and Saturday.

Day 1 - GPP Block
Comp squat
265x6, 295x6, 310x6x4

Comp Press
115x6, 135x6, 145x6x4

DB Incline
47x15, 52x15, 57x15x4

These are all pounds because I don’t have access to kilo plates and also 'merica.

Squats felt a little like hot garbage but we did them anyway. My hips have been pretty tight since the meet. Especially in what I would call the hip flexor area. I think this came from all the pressing I was doing leading up to USSF nationals. Trying to get a good bounce out of the bottom with the hips. Leading up to the meet I was doing a press 6x per week

It’s getting better, for sure, as comp pressing volume has come down considerably. However, I’m doing that thing where you think something’s going to hurt so you’re tentative. My first squat is always slow, then I realize it’s fine and the rest of the squats are ok, speed wise. This will go away in the coming weeks, but that doesn’t mean it’s not irritating now.

Day 2 - GPP Block
comp deadlift
330x6, 360x6, 380x6x4

comp bench


Got some new toys at the gym today! It’s like christmas all over again. New safety squat bar and a deadlift jack.

GPP day

6 minutes chin ups: 5,5,3,3,3,3,3: 25 total reps
6 minutes toes to bar (I suck at these btw): 5,4,4,3,3,2,2,2: 25 total reps

25 minutes on the c2 rower: 4700m

Day 3 - GPP Block

SSB Squat
170x12, 185x12, 205x12x4

TnG Bench
135x12, 155x12, 175x12x4

DB Seated Press
32x15, 34.5x15, 37x15x4

For this GPP work. intensity is never above an 8-8.5 for all this work. It actually shades towards 7.5 some times. My body is welcoming this after many months of meet prep programming, though I still have to routinely have to fight the urge to grind out reps.

For example, on SSB squats, 205lbs is not heavy in the least and it feels like I’m not getting any meaningful training in.

But then I remember a few things. First, this is a GPP block. Load isn’t really a primary concern here. If anything, a touch lighter is ok.

Second, no one cares what you lift, let alone how much you can safety bar squat.

Third, I have to do 4 sets across at RPE 8 and I should be able to pick a load that I can do this without the RPE getting close to a 9.

Oooh, post-meet lower intensity. Nice and yet still kind of a special struggle.

And I care, Dave. I always care.

You hit the nail on the head there, Leah. I try to remind myself to just go do the work and stop over analyze everything.

I am enjoying not feeling like I was run over by a truck after most sessions. :slight_smile:

I appreciate that :slight_smile:

Day 4 - GPP Block

225x12, 245x12, 255x12x4

DB Bench
62x12, 67x12, 69.5x12x4

Belt Squat
100x15, 125x15, 140x15x4

Continuing to channel my inner bro :slight_smile:


6min chin ups: 4,4,4,4,3,2,2,2:25 total
6 min toes to bar: 4,3,4,3,3,2,1:20 total

25 minutes on the rower: 4700m

Day 1 - GPP Block

Comp squat
265x6, 285x6, 305x6x4

Comp press
115x6, 135x6, 145x6x3, 140x6
RPE was creeping up on the latter sets so I dropped 5lbs from the bar and did the last set

DB incline
47x15, 52x15, 57x15x4?
I lost track of how many sets @ 57lbs I did so I may have done an extra set here. When in doubt, do another one as you probably didn’t do it. This goes for reps too :slight_smile:

This is the last week of GPP, then we go into some development blocks. 6 sets of 5 on squat and deadlift. I will be volume, personified :sunglasses:

Day 2 - GPP Block

Comp Deadlift
330x6, 350x6, 370x6x3, 355x6x1
Dropped the load on the last set to keep RPE in check. No use in grinding out a RPE 9 ish set of 6 with questionable back position on the last few reps.

Comp Bench
185x6, 225x6, 230x6x2, 225x6x2

45x15, 55x15, 60x15x4

GPP - GPP Block

8 minutes chins: 5,4,4,3,2,2,2,2,2,2:28 total
8 minutes toes to bar: 5,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,2: 29
LTE: 87x13x1, 92x13x4

25 minutes on the c2 rower: 5000m

Day 3 - GPP Block

SSB Squat
170x12, 190x12, 200x12x4

TnG Bench
135x12, 155x12, 175x12x4

DB press
32x15, 34.5x15, 37x15x4


Day 4 - GPP Block

225x12, 235x12, 245x12x4

DB Bench
57x12, 67x12, 69.5x12x4

These are starting to feel lighter at this load. If I wasn’t going into a development block next week I’d probably try to add a bit of weight here.

Belt Squat
100x15, 125x15, 140x15, 145x15x3

Jordan had box step ups in this slot. The thought of doing those made me want to gag just a little… haha. So I did belt squats again instead. I really don’t like single leg work.

GPP - GPP Block
8 min chins: 5,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3: 34 total
8 min toes to bar: 5,4,3,3,3,3,3,2: 26 total

LTE: 87x13x5

25 minutes on the rower: 4800m

Day 1 - Development Block

Comp squat
350x1, 285x5x6

Comp Press
165x1, 140x4x6

Close grip, incline press
135x10, 135x10, 140x10. Went pretty quickly here so I could finish up. I probably will try to go a bit heavier here as the RPE was more like 7-7.5 instead of an 8. Except for the last set.

The first day of a development block. I stuck to my RPE’s here for the singles, though I wanted them to be heavier.

I’ve been through this a few times now and invariably my E1RM coming off a few GPP blocks is not accurate. According to the chart, I should have been good for 370x1@8 on the squat. There was no way that was going. My OpenBarbell told me 350 was good for an 8 (based on previous bar speeds). Subjectively it felt about right too.

Remember, this is about applying the right stress, not necessarily about the weight on the bar.

Day 2 - Development Block

Comp Deadlift
440x1, 360x5x6

Comp Bench
270x1, 230x4x6

Paused RDL
185x10, 195x10, 205x10

GPP - Development Block

8 minutes chins: 30 reps
8 minutes toes to bar: 24 horrible reps
LTE’s: 92x12x5

25 minutes on the rower: 5000m

Day 4 - Development Block

Squat + Bands (red mini’s at ~80lbs tension at the top, not Zeppelin)
280x1, 255x4x3

I’ve done these heavier before nationals, up to 320x1@ RPE 8-ish. That load definitely wasn’t going to fly today.

Pin Press - Shoulder height.
155x1, 135x4x3

Overshot the RPE on the single at RPE 9 instead of 8. Will adjust next week.

Close Grip Bench


Day 4 - Development block

mid shin block pull, 3" off the ground
415x1, 375x4x3

beltless press
160x1, 145x4x3

belt squat
150x10, 160x10x2

GPP - Development block

8 minutes chins: 31 total
8 minutes toes to bar: 23 total
LTE’s: 94.5x13x2, 94.5x11x1, 87.5x13x1
25 minutes on the rower: 4850m

Day 1 - development block

comp squat
355x1, 287.5x5x6

Comp press
167.5x1, 142.5x4x6

Close grip incline bench
