Friday January 25
Deadlift, beltless
325 x 4 x 3
225 x 2 x 3 EMOM
Lbbs, beltless
235 x 6 at 7.5
210 x 6 x 2
Hip and low back discomfort continues…
Razor curls on GHD, staff assisted
6, 8, 9
Friday January 25
Deadlift, beltless
325 x 4 x 3
225 x 2 x 3 EMOM
Lbbs, beltless
235 x 6 at 7.5
210 x 6 x 2
Hip and low back discomfort continues…
Razor curls on GHD, staff assisted
6, 8, 9
Monday January 27
Comp bench
215 x 4 x 4
180 x 3 x 3 EMOM
Feeling pretty good
Incline close grip
155 x 8 at 8
145 x 8 x 2
band assisted pull ups
8,8,8,8. These are getting a little easier, so I might add a rep next week we will see
3-0-3 tempo JM Press
70 x 8 x 5 at 7
Woke up this morning to some golfers elbow on my R side. Need to watch that I’m not trying to choke the bar out or gripping overly hard on the pull ups. I was pulling up pretty aggressively yesterday, probably has something to do with it.
Tuesday January 29
Deload the squat so we can get the ol hips and glutes feeling a bit better
HBBS, beltless
145 x 4, 165 x 4, 190 x 4
135 x 5, 5-3-0 tempo. This was prescribed at an RPE 8. This was closer to a 7.5
295 x 6 at 7.5
275 x 6 x 2
copenhagen plank, bodyweight
ab wheel work
Wednesday January 29
Leaving town for a few days so gotta get as much training in as I can
Press w belt
61kg x 5 x 4
Wide grip bench, 2 1 0 tempo
83kg x 6 at 8
80kg x 6 x 2
Pendlay rows from blocks. Trying to give my hips and back a bit of a break
70kg x 8 x 3 at 7
A few concentration curls. Right golfers elbow better than yesterday. Want to keep it on that path for sure
Monday February 3
Deload week
Feet up bench
80kg x 10
Feet up, 5 3 1 tempo
65kg x 5
Incline bench, 1 count pause
Up to 63kg x 6
Band assisted pull ups
Lying tricep extensions
Tuesday February 4
Hbbs, beltless
185 x 10
Hbbs, 5 3 0 tempo
155 x 5 at 8
Up to 315 x 6 at 8
Copenhagen planks
Ab wheel work.
Thursday February 6
Press w/ belt
50kg x10 at 8
5-3-0 tempo press
50kg x 5 at 8
spoto bench
up to 88kg x 4 at 8
pendlay row
up to 75 kg x 6 at 8 - no pain here and probably an honest RPE when it comes to actually getting the bar to your chest in a fairly strict manner.
concentration curls.
Friday, February 7
Sumo Deadlift
265 x 10 at 7.5
5-3-0 tempo deadlift
265 x 5 at 7.5
paused squat, low bar
up to 215 x 5 at 7.5
Feeling much better in the hips and low back.
assisted razor curls
banded pull throughs.
Monday, February 10
Another deload week, trying to get a big more fresh before we start training in earnest
Feet up bench
180 x 8 at 8
Feet up bench, 5 3 0 tempo
175 x 5 at 8
Incline bench, 1 count pause
Up to 140 x 6 at 8
band assisted pull ups
57 x 10 x 3
I don’t think my elbow appreciated these…
20 minutes LISS on the bike after lifting.
Tuesday, February 11
Morning training as we’re heading to a basketball game this evening.
More deload work
HBBS, beltless
185 x 8 at 8ish.
These felt better than last week on the hips and such. Good news. Still managing the golfers elbow on the right side.
HBBS, 5 3 0 Tempo
155 x 5 at 8 ish
Overall these squats were pretty pain free. Happy about that!
Stiff legged deadlifts,
up to 315 x 5 at 8.5
Low back was a little grumpy after these. They were probably a bit forward, but no matter. It will get over it
Copenhagen planks and ab wheel work
15 minutes LISS on the bike before heading off to work.
Wednesday February 12
30 minutes LISS on the bike.
Thursday February 13
Press w belt
54kg x 8 at 8
3 0 0 tempo press
54kg x 5 at 8
Spoto press
Up to 90kg x 4 at 8
Pendlay row
Up to 84 kg x 6 at 8ish
Some concentration curls.
Friday February 14
Sumo deadlift
295 x 8 at 7.5 or so
Tempo deadlift
225 x 5 at 7
Lbbs, paused
Up to 220 x 5 at 8
Aside from the elbow, feeling good
Band assisted razor curl
These were harder than using the staff
Two set of 5
15 minutes of LISS
Saturday February 15
30 minutes LISS