Dave's Log o' GainzZz

Friday January 25

Deadlift, beltless
325 x 4 x 3
225 x 2 x 3 EMOM

Lbbs, beltless
235 x 6 at 7.5
210 x 6 x 2

Hip and low back discomfort continues…

Razor curls on GHD, staff assisted
6, 8, 9

Monday January 27

Comp bench
215 x 4 x 4
180 x 3 x 3 EMOM

Feeling pretty good

Incline close grip
155 x 8 at 8
145 x 8 x 2

band assisted pull ups
8,8,8,8. These are getting a little easier, so I might add a rep next week we will see

3-0-3 tempo JM Press
70 x 8 x 5 at 7

Woke up this morning to some golfers elbow on my R side. Need to watch that I’m not trying to choke the bar out or gripping overly hard on the pull ups. I was pulling up pretty aggressively yesterday, probably has something to do with it.

Tuesday January 29

Deload the squat so we can get the ol hips and glutes feeling a bit better

HBBS, beltless
145 x 4, 165 x 4, 190 x 4
135 x 5, 5-3-0 tempo. This was prescribed at an RPE 8. This was closer to a 7.5

295 x 6 at 7.5
275 x 6 x 2

copenhagen plank, bodyweight

ab wheel work

Wednesday January 29

Leaving town for a few days so gotta get as much training in as I can

Press w belt
61kg x 5 x 4

Wide grip bench, 2 1 0 tempo
83kg x 6 at 8
80kg x 6 x 2

Pendlay rows from blocks. Trying to give my hips and back a bit of a break
70kg x 8 x 3 at 7

A few concentration curls. Right golfers elbow better than yesterday. Want to keep it on that path for sure

Monday February 3

Deload week

Feet up bench
80kg x 10

Feet up, 5 3 1 tempo
65kg x 5

Incline bench, 1 count pause
Up to 63kg x 6

Band assisted pull ups

Lying tricep extensions

Tuesday February 4

Hbbs, beltless
185 x 10

Hbbs, 5 3 0 tempo
155 x 5 at 8

Up to 315 x 6 at 8

Copenhagen planks

Ab wheel work.

Thursday February 6

Press w/ belt
50kg x10 at 8

5-3-0 tempo press
50kg x 5 at 8

spoto bench
up to 88kg x 4 at 8

pendlay row
up to 75 kg x 6 at 8 - no pain here and probably an honest RPE when it comes to actually getting the bar to your chest in a fairly strict manner.

concentration curls.

Friday, February 7

Sumo Deadlift
265 x 10 at 7.5

5-3-0 tempo deadlift
265 x 5 at 7.5

paused squat, low bar
up to 215 x 5 at 7.5
Feeling much better in the hips and low back.

assisted razor curls

banded pull throughs.

Monday, February 10

Another deload week, trying to get a big more fresh before we start training in earnest

Feet up bench
180 x 8 at 8

Feet up bench, 5 3 0 tempo
175 x 5 at 8

Incline bench, 1 count pause
Up to 140 x 6 at 8

band assisted pull ups

57 x 10 x 3
I don’t think my elbow appreciated these…

20 minutes LISS on the bike after lifting.

Tuesday, February 11

Morning training as we’re heading to a basketball game this evening.
More deload work

HBBS, beltless
185 x 8 at 8ish.
These felt better than last week on the hips and such. Good news. Still managing the golfers elbow on the right side.

HBBS, 5 3 0 Tempo
155 x 5 at 8 ish

Overall these squats were pretty pain free. Happy about that!

Stiff legged deadlifts,
up to 315 x 5 at 8.5
Low back was a little grumpy after these. They were probably a bit forward, but no matter. It will get over it :slight_smile:

Copenhagen planks and ab wheel work

15 minutes LISS on the bike before heading off to work.

Wednesday February 12

30 minutes LISS on the bike.

Thursday February 13

Press w belt
54kg x 8 at 8

3 0 0 tempo press
54kg x 5 at 8

Spoto press
Up to 90kg x 4 at 8

Pendlay row
Up to 84 kg x 6 at 8ish

Some concentration curls.

Friday February 14

Sumo deadlift
295 x 8 at 7.5 or so

Tempo deadlift
225 x 5 at 7

Lbbs, paused
Up to 220 x 5 at 8
Aside from the elbow, feeling good

Band assisted razor curl
These were harder than using the staff
Two set of 5

15 minutes of LISS

Saturday February 15

30 minutes LISS