DVT Risk Factors

Greetings. I was having a friendly discussion with a doctor (GP) regarding a DVT in the leg. With regard to risk factors, some of the discussion points were: venous insufficency, long car rides (2 1 hour drives/day), weight training, and testosterone replacement therapy.

I’m most interested in where the information for the last two would have come from, and what information would help me to have a more informed discussion on this topic. Particularly with TRT, I’m interested in knowing if there is a tradeoff to consider, because I consider this treatment to be a noticeable positive.

If the answer is nuanced and more population dependent, I’m a 44yo male, lift fairly regularly, 4 day split right now on the main lifts (no power cleans). I can add more detail if relevant. Thanks for your time.

I would ask said GP for the evidence supporting his claim that weight training is a risk factor for DVT, as I am not aware of any.

The thrombosis risk associated with TRT is controversial and certainly nuanced. In particular, here we are specifically discussing venous (i.e., not arterial) thrombosis. I have not seen especially compelling evidence showing that: among hypogonadal males without underlying coagulation disorders, correcting testosterone to physiologic levels is associated with a significant increase in risk of DVT and/or PE. One recent study from last year did suggest an increased risk in the first six months of therapy, but this (as with most studies on the matter) are retrospective studies that can only suggest associations for further investigation.

If anyone else reading this is aware of quality evidence on the matter, feel free to share.

For example:

Thanks for the additional data, very helpful. It does seem like the conclusion for TRT risk is “…meh, nothing yet.” Seems like screening for coagulation disorders is a reasonable next step in investigating pathology. Beyond immediate treatment of symptoms, that is. As a side note, I guess I find it disconcerting that a DVT which could pose a PE risk can be asymptomatic.