LeahBBM's training

Day 1 (Off Season Block, General Dev)

Log note- everything hurts… Painting for hours means training wasn’t feeling awesome, but I got it done.

High Bar Squat 105kg x 5 @7, 90kg x 5 x 3 sets
Wide Grip bench 3-1-0 tempo 50kg x 8 x 3 sets
1 in deficit DL, stiff-legged 100kg x 8 x 2 sets
Hamstring curls
LISS cardio (30 min)

Loads were down by about 5-10% on everything but since my training has been humming along, I am confident it will all pop right back up now that most of my home renovations are done. Just have to do the actual move here soon and then I’ll be able to think about rest and recovery again. :slight_smile:

Cardio Day

Things are VERY routine right now, so today was just 30 min of steady state bike. I’m currently getting in 5 conditioning sessions a week and now in a nice routine. I was not excited about it a month ago, but it feels great now. I like to joke that I feel morally superior if I get all my cardio done (as a powerlifter).

But soreness from ridiculous hours of house renovations is just about gone, so I’m super pleased about that. Bodes will for the next couple weeks of training!

Day 2 (Off Season, General Dev Block)

Competition Bench (working on widening my grip, again**)
70kg x 5 @7, 61kg x 5 x 3 sets

3-1-0 tempo low bar squats
100kg x 5 x 7ish

Seated Rows
155lb x 10 x 5 sets @ pretty easy still
Incline biceps curls
HIIT cardio (10 rounds of 30 sec on/1:30 rest) on the air bike

**I’ve tried to widen my bench grip several times and have always ended up with too much shoulder pain and not enough time to make the change in between big meets. I do have a history of notable shoulder trouble, including RC repair on one and some long rehab on the other one. Tear from what? CrossFit and thinking it was just going to get better and that it was still important that I do as much as I could regardless. That with caring too much about scores during competitions did not go well for me. But it’s pretty awesome that I CAN bench all I do now. Just a big goal to finally bench 100kg one day. :slight_smile:

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Day 3 (Off Season, General Dev Block)

125kg x 5 @ 7
100kg x 5 x 3 sets

Bench Press, close grip 3 board
67.5 x 6 @ 7 x 3 sets

Belt Squat
65kg x 15 x 3 sets
(I went lighter and higher reps than previously because I was running out of training time and just really wanted to get in some work and hit those legs hard before I left.)

I think I did this session in about 40 min tops, not ideal by any means, but what I needed to do. I’m currently dealing with a bunch of scheduling challenges, and I am choosing to NOT train at 6am. This might have to happen on some days, we shall see.

Day 1 (Off Season, General Dev Block)

High Bar Squat
115kg x 5 @ 7
100 x 5 x 3 sets

Bench Press wide grip 3-1-0 tempo
Still working on that wider grip work, and I now REALLY think I’m making progress. I am traditionally a pretty narrow bencher, primarily due to what my shoulders felt good with when training volumes gets higher. But I’m tired of hitting the same wall in meets, so I’m determined to work on this.

57.5 x 8 @ 7
57.5 x 6 x 2 sets, x 4 x 1 set

1 inch deficit stiff-legged DL
100kg x 8 x 2 sets
I do not enjoy this slot in my program at all. :slight_smile:

Hamstring curls
25lb x 10 x 4 sets (with the Monkey Foot)

Comp Bench
70kg x 5 @ 7
62.5 x 5 x 3 sets

3-1-0 tempo squat
105kg x 5 @ 7 x 3 sets

Seated Row
155lb x 15 rep x 3 sets

Incline biceps curls

Day 3 (Off Season, General Dev Block)

127.5kg x 5 @ 7
110 x 5 x 3 sets

Close Grip, 3 board paused bench press
70kg x 6 @7 x 3 sets

Belt Squat
75kg x 10 @ 7ish x 4 sets

Leg Extension

LISS 30 min bike

Also today was so many work projects, kept me popping from one task to another, packing up my house, and helping my niece and nephew with homework as I type this. Multi-tasking at its finest (or worst).

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Day 1 (Off Season, General Dev Block)

High bar squat
120kg x 5 @ 8
105kg x 5 x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench, 3-1-0 tempo
55kg x 8 reps x 3 sets

1 in deficit, stiff legged deadlift
110kg x 8 x 2 sets

Hamstring curls

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Day 2 (Off Season, General Dev Block)
**really in a place where I am thinking about my next meet now. It’s time to make some of those competition calendar decisions!

Comp Bench
160lb x 5 @ 8
140lbs x 5 x 3 sets

3-1-0 tempo squat
240lbs x 5
230lbs x 5 x 2 sets
These felt heavier than I would have liked today. Had to adjust down just a bit to keep myself honest with the targets

Seated Row
155lbs x 18 x 4 sets

Incline DB biceps curls

Need to “make up” my HIIT bike intervals. :slight_smile: