The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf. I must become the strength of the pack.
To increase my accountability and force myself to train more diligently, I have decided to create a public log of my training.
Currently following a heavy-light-medium protocol.
10/12/2017: Light day
Squat: 260x5x2, no belt
Press: 155x5x3
Stiff Leg DL: 280x5
Weight: 212 lbs following workout
Off day today to just putz around in the gym.
Dumbbell benchpress: 55x8, 60x8, 65x8
5 sets of 3 chinups
Eleven intervals on a stationary bike. 30 seconds on, 1:30 rest
Weight: 212 lbs following workout.
Many different factors conspired to rob me of my medium stress day last week. So I dialed my squat intensity back. Or more accurately, I dialed down my intensity increase.
Heavy/High Stress Day
Squat: 307.5x5, 307.5x4x2, 275x5x3(backdown)
Bench: 227.5x5, 227.5x4x2
Slingshot bench (backdown): 227.5x5x3
Yesterday 10-18
Heavy deadlift: 380x5, 365x4, 345x5 backdown
Press: 157.5x5x3
Safety squat: 255x4
Weight: 213 lbs
The only lift I was accumulating volume on was deadlift, so I did only did backdown sets on that. I tried alternating the deadlift sets with the press to save time, but this left me feeling worn down more than usual. But 380x5 is a rep PR and 157.5x5 is an all-time PR. So feelings don’t matter, just results.
Heavy/High Stress again
Heavy Squat: 310x5x2, 310x3, 275x5x3, 225x5x2 (backdown)
Bench: 230x3x4
Slingshot Bench (backdown): 230x5x3
Deadlift: 370x5x2, 315x5x2
Body weight: 214.75 lbs
Noticed serious form breakdown on squats during the last set. Knees caving in, back rounding over, butt shooting up first. So I cut myself off at 3 reps instead of pushing through two more with bad form. Next Monday I will repeat the weight with better form, possibly for 5 sets of 3 instead of 3 sets of 5.
Looking forward to possibly training all five days this week unlike the last two.
Today, 10-24
Just a light day to mess around with assistance work and increase bench frequency.
Close grip paused bench press: 185x5, 155x3, 165x3
Pullups: 6 sets of 3 (is that 3x6 or 6x3?)
Farmers walk (a legit use for a hex bar): 3 sets of 2 laps of the gym with 225 lbs.
Rower: 10 x 30 second intervals with 30 seconds rest.
Weight: 211 lbs
Lighter stress day.
Paused squat: 245x5x2
Overhead press: 160x5x2, 160x4 (failed the fifth rep even with a knee bend)
Stiff leg deadlift: 285x5x2
Rower: 10 x 30 second intervals with 30 seconds rest.
Weight: 213.5 lbs
Medium stress today.
Squat: 289x5x3
Incline bench: 205x5x3, 185x5
Barbell row: 185x5x2
Weight: 213.5
Eating my way to greatness today for my high-stress day tomorrow.
Heavy / High Stress day
Squats felt like total garbage. I failed to eat my way to greatness in the squat.
I planned to repeat my squat weight from last week since my form suffered serious breakdown in the later reps of every set. This week I finished my warmup and loaded my repeat working weight of 310 on the bar and almost collapsed under it. I don’t know what the problem was, but I could not get that weight moving this week.
Squat: 310x3, 305x3, 300x3x3
Band-assisted squat (backdown): 300x5x3
Bench went super great though.
Bench: 230x4x3, 230x3
Slingshot Bench (backdown): 230x5x3
Weight: 214 lbs
Deadlift: 385x5, 365x4, 315x5
Now equal my previous best from when I was 20 pounds heavier.
Press: 162.5x5x2, 162.5x2
Could not grind my way through a third set of five. I push pressed a third rep, then gave up.
Squat: 265x5x2
Went OK, very worn down after deadlifting and pressing.
Weight: 214.5 lbs
Light day of messing around for what they call “active recovery”
Dumbbell bench: 40x10x4
Dumbbell overhead press: 40x10x3
Pullups: 5x3
Farmers Walk: 225x60ftx3
10x30 sec intervals on the rower
Weight: 213 lbs
A group exercise class showed up and took over the room I was doing farmers walks in. I have sucked at pullups/chinups for as long as I have tried to do them.
11-3, Medium stress today
Squat: 280x5x3
Incline bench: 207.5x5x3, 185x5, 155x5
Deadlift: 355x5
Weight: 212 lbs
Wasn’t sure I could make it through all the sets on incline, but I got it. Hoping the little additional volume will help push up my flat bench and overhead press numbers.
High stress
Squat: 305x5x3, 305x5x3 band assisted, 275x5
Bench: 230x4, 230x3, 230x5
Deadlift: 390x3x2
Weight: 215.5
Messing around, killing time
Close grip paused bench: 185x5x2
Farmers carry: 315x120ftx3 rounds
10x30 second intervals on rower
Weight: 213 lbs
Light day
Paused squat: 265x5x2
Overhead press: 165x5x3, 145x4, 135x5
Stiffleg Deadlift: 295x5x2
Weight: 213.5 lbs
Paused squats were a lot easier than last time I tried them.
I was afraid I wouldn’t get all the press reps. The last rep of every set was a real struggle; I made funny noises and my face turned purple, but the weight went up.
Managed to head back to the gym at lunch on 11-8.
Slingshot bench: 245x4x3
Barbell row: 225x5x2, 135x10
Ten 30 second intervals on the rowing machine.
11-10 Medium Day
Squat: 280x5x3
Incline Bench: 210x5x3, 185x5
Deadlift: 365x5x2
Weight: 210.5 lbs
Nearly didn’t get the last incline bench rep. Form went in the crapper but I got it.
11-13 Heavy Day
Squat: 310x3x4, 310x3x3 band assisted, 275x5
Bench: 230x5, 230x4x2, 230x5x3 slingshot
Weight: 211 lbs
Heavy deadlift, since I didn’t get to them Monday: 390x5, 365x5, 315x5x2
Dumbbell overhead presses: 25x8, 30x8, 35x8, 40x8
390 lbs is a 5 rep PR for me. So close to that 4 plate lift I can taste it.
Light active recovery day
Paused squats: 250x5x2, 265x5
OHP: 167.5x5x3, 135x5
Stiff legged deadlift: 295x5x2
I am way more excited about my overhead press than I am about my bench press.
Active recovery/farting around.
Close grip paused bench press: 185x5
Farmers walk: 315x120ftx4, 225x180ft
Medium day
Squat: 285x5x3, 255x5, 245x5
Incline bench: 210x4x4
Paused deadlift: 255x5
It will take a few weeks to find my ceiling on the paused deadlift. This weight is pretty low relative to what I can deadlift normally.
Incline is struggling just like flat bench is now. Serious problems getting the last rep to lock out.