The stickied FAQ includes “Am I skinny fat? Maybe. It’s likely that you’re undertrained and under muscled. Do you need to gain weight right now? It depends. If your body fat is > 20% but under 30%, I would aim to maintain weight and do a proper Novice Linear Progression. If you’re > 30% BF, I would recommend training and losing weight. If you’re <20% body fat, you might need to gain weight.”
Would you have the same advice for someone who has trained for years (including with some excellent coaches)?
62 years old, 5’10", currently about 165# with a 36" waist, a bit over 20% bodyfat (Navy method and a “spare tire”), e1RMs currently about 215/180/315 sbd. Visible fat is almost all on my torso.
I’m currently finishing a cut (around 10 lbs and 1.5" of waist over a few months) and was planning on a slight caloric surplus (maybe gain 1 lb/month) for a while. If my waist or bodyfat get to be too much, I’d reconsider. I’m very low on the training sensitivity spectrum and very high on the compliance spectrum (training and diet).
How does that sound?