So we beat on...


  1. Full-time office desk jockey. Recreational swimmer and sucked at all other sports I tried.
  2. Joined a gym to work out and lift weights for the first time in 2014 at the age of 25.
  3. Followed programs and messed around until getting interested in powerlifting in 2017.
  4. Went to my first meet in February 2019. 83 kg class (75.80 kg), S/B/D - 155 kg/107.5 kg/190 kg. Lifting has become such a big part of my life and I enjoy powerlifting at the moment as a hobby, which keeps me happy and healthy. Plan to exhaust BBM templates until progress cannot be made anymore. Starting a weekly log here to keep myself motivated and accountable. Dealing with chronic low back pain which has been flaring up intermittently ever since the end of 2013. Still learning to find that sweet spot of optimal stress level by myself with minimal tweaks to the templates.

Strength Week 1

08/05/19 Monday

Squat - 175x4, 190x4, 200x4
Bench - 185x4, 190x4, 200x4
2ct Paused DL - 185x4, 205x4, 215x4

Time: 77:23; RPE: 7

08/07/19 Wednesday

2ct Paused Squat - 145x5, 155x5, 165x5
OHP - 105x4, 115x4, 125x4
Pendlay Rows - 140x10, 145x10, 150x10

Time: 63:27; RPE: 8

08/09/19 Friday

Deadlift - 205x4, 225x4, 235x4
Floor Press - 165x5, 185x5, 205x5
Leg Press - 270x10, 360x10, 450x10

Time: 57:17; RPE: 8

1 Like

Strength Week 2

08/12/19 Monday

Squat - 215x1, 195x4, 175x4x2
Bench - 210x1, 185x4, 175x4x2
2ct Paused DL - 185x5, 195x5, 205x5, 195x5

Time: 73:51; Session RPE @7

Used RPE calculator to determine the weights for 1 @8 based on Week 1. Turned out to be too light.

08/14/19 Wednesday

2ct Paused Squat - 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 180x5
OHP - 145x1, 130x4, 120x4x2
Pendlay Row - 145x10, 150x10x3

Time: 57:46; SRPE @8

08/16/19 Friday

Deadlift - 315x1, 295x4, 265x4x2
Floor Press - 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 195x5
Leg Press - 270x10, 360x10x3

Time: 73:04; SRPE @7

Strength Week 3

08/19/19 Monday

Squat - 235x1, 225x4, 200x4x3
Bench - 215x1, 190x4, 175x4x3
2ct Paused DL - 185x5, 195x5, 205x5, 195x5x2

Time: 78:18; SRPE @8

08/21/19 Wednesday

2ct Paused Squat - 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 170x5x2
OHP - 145x1, 125x4, 115x4x3
Pendlay Row - 145x10, 155x10x3

Time: 63:09; SRPE @8

08/23/19 Friday

Deadlift - 325x1, 295x4, 265x4x3
Floor Press - 170x5, 190x5, 205x5, 195x5
Leg Press - 270x10, 360x10, 410x10x2

Time: 76:58; SRPE @8

Strength Week 4

08/26/19 Monday

Squat - 255x1, 235x4, 210x4x3
Bench - 220x1, 205x4, 190x4x3
2ct Paused DL - 165x5, 185x5, 215x5, 205x5

Time: 70:32; SRPE @7

08/28/19 Wednesday

2ct Paused Squat - 185x5, 195x5, 205x5, 195x5
OHP - 135x1, 125x4, 115x4x3
Pendlay Row - 145x10, 155x10x4

Time: 72:03; SRPE @8.5

08/30/19 Friday

Deadlift - 355x1, 325x4, 285x4x3
Floor Press - 185x5, 190x5, 200x5, 190x5
Leg Press - 360x10, 410x10x4

Time: 86:49; SRPE @7

Strength Week 5

09/02/19 Monday

Squat - 280x1, 250x4, 225x4x4
Bench - 225x1, 200x4, 185x4x4
2ct Paused DL - 185x5, 205x5, 235x5, 225x5x2

Time: 91:51; SRPE @8

09/04/19 Wednesday

2ct Paused Squat - 175x5, 185x5, 195x5, 185x5x2
OHP - 140x1, 120x4, 115x4x4
Pendlay Row - 145x10, 150x10x4

Time: 77:49; SRPE @9

09/06/19 Friday

Deadlift - 355x1, 315x4, 280x4x3
Floor Press - 185x5, 190x5, 195x5, 185x5x2
Leg Press - 360x10, 410x10x4

Time: 108:50; SRPE @8

Strength Week 6

09/09/19 Monday

Squat - 290x1, 270x4, 250x4
Bench - 225x1, 205x4, 195x4x2
2" Deficit DL - 225x3, 245x3, 275x3, 260x3

Time: 83:43; SRPE @7

09/11/19 Wednesday

Pin Squat - 205x3, 225x3, 235x3, 225x3
OHP - 135x1, 125x4, 115x4x2
Lever Row - 115x10, 135x10, 155x10

Time: 53:27; SRPE @8

09/13/19 Friday

Deadlift - 370x1, 335x4, 320x4
2ct Paused Bench - 185x3, 195x3, 200x3, 190x3
2ct Paused Squat - 135x8, 140x8, 145x8

Time: 81:00; SRPE @8

Peaking Week 1

09/16/19 Monday

Squat - 295x1 @9, 250x4X4 @8
Bench - 225x1 @8, 205x3x5 @8
Pin Bench - 185x4 @7, 190x4 @8, 200x4 @9.5, 190x4 @9

Time: 90:10; SRPE @9

09/17/19 Tuesday

Deadlift - 365x1 @8, 340x4 @9, 315x4x2 @8
CGBP - 205x1 @8, 195x3 @9, 180x3x3 @7
Beltless Squat - 155x6, 185x6 @6, 195x6 @7, 205x6 @7

Time: 83:17; SRPE @8

09/19/19 Thursday

2ct Paused Squat - 275x1 @8, 260x2 @9, 245x3x2 @9
2ct Paused Bench - 200x1 @8, 190x3 @8. 180x3x2 @8

OHP - 95x6 @7, 105x6x3 @8

Time: 75:36; SRPE @7

09/20/19 Friday

2" Deficit DL - 335x1 @8, 315x3 @9, 300x3x2 @8
2ct Paused Bench - 205x1 @8, 200x3 @9, 190x3x3 @8~9
RDL - 225x6 @7, 245x6x3 @8

Time: 64:17; SRPE @9

Peaking Week 2

09/23/19 Monday

Squat - 285x1 @8, 235x5 @6, 265x3 @8, 265x3 @8, 265x3 @9
Bench - 225x1 @8, 205x3 @7, 205x3 @8, 205x3 @8, 205x3 @8, 205x3 @9
Pin Bench - 185x4 @7, 195x4 @8, 205x3 @9, 195x3 @9

Time: 75:12; SRPE @8

09/27/19 Friday

Deadlift - 375x1 @8, 360x3 @9, 340x3 @8, 340x3 @8
CGBP - 215x1 @8, 205x3 @9, 190x3 @8, 190x3 @8, 190x3 @8
Beltless Squat - 185x6 @6, 205x6 @7, 205x6 @7, 205x6 @7

Time: 85:27; SRPE @8

09/28/19 Saturday

2ct Paused Squat - 285x1 @10, 265x2 @9, 245x3 @9, 245x3 @9
2ct Paused Bench - 205x1 @8, 200x3 @9, 190x3 @8, 190x3 @8
OHP - 105x6 @7, 110x6 @8, 110x6 @8, 110x5 @9.5

Time: 68:21; SRPE @8

An odd week due to high stress outside of training. Missed a day.

Peaking Week 3

09/30/19 Monday

Squat - 295x1 @8, 280x3 @9, 265x3 @8
Bench - 225x1 @8, 215x3 @9, 205x3 @9
Deadlift - 375x1 @9

TIme: 76:08; SRPE: @7

10/02/19 Wednesday

Squat - 300x1 @8
Bench - 225x1 @8

Time: 39:39; SRPE @4

10/05/19 Saturday Meet Day

Weight: 71.4kg

Squat - 135kg (no lift), 145kg, 147.5kg
Bench - 105kg, 110kg, 112.5kg
Deadlift - 170kg, 180kg, 192.5kg (no lift)
Total - 440kg. Placed 3rd in 74kg.

Very happy with the bench PR. BBM’s peaking template is crazy with the benching frequency and really brings out the gains. Lost over 4 kg in bodyweight from the last meet and was a bit disappointed that I didn’t make it to increase my deadlift PR. However, work was stressful and sleep quality was bad for quiet a few days leading up to the meet. In addition, considering the strength I lost during the lower back rehab template run, I’ll cut myself some slack.

Still not in the thousand-pound club. DAMN IT!

Time Crunch Week 1

10/14/19 Monday

Squat - 295x1 @8, 275x5 @9, 250x5 @7, 250x5 @7
OHP - 135x1 @8, 120x4 @9, 105x5 @7, 105x5 @7
Pendlay Rows - 135x15, Myoreps 5x5

Time: 65:51; SRPE @8

10/16/19 Wednesday

Bench - 225x1 @9, 205x4 @9, 185x5 @7, 185x5 @7
Beltless Squat - 275x1 @8, 225x5 @9, 235x5 @7, 235x5 @7
Leg Press - 270x15, Myoreps 5x5
Time: 65:26; SRPE @8

10/18/19 Friday

Deadlift - 375x1 @8, 340x5 @9, 310x5 @7, 310x5 @7
Bench T&G - 135x15, Myoreps 4, 4, 3, 3, 3
Pullups - BWx16, Myoreps 5, 5, 4, 4, 3

Time: 53:57; SRPE @7

Time Crunch Week 2

10/21/19 Monday

Squat - 305x1 @8, 275x5 @9, 250x7 @7, 250x7 @7
OHP - 125x1 @8, 115x5 @8.5, 105x5 @7, 105x5 @6, 105x5 @6
Pendlay Row - 145x15, Myoreps 5, 4, 4, 4, 4

Time: 67:12; SRPE @8

10/23/19 Wednesday

Bench - 220x1 @8, 200x5 @9, 185x5 @7, 185x5 @9, 185x5 @10
Beltless Squat - 285x1 @8, 260x5 @9, 235x5 @7, 235x5 @7
Leg Press - 270x16, Myoreps 5x5

Time: 75:00, SRPE @7

10/25/19 Friday

Deadlift - 385x1 @8, 350x5 @9, 320x5 @7, 320x5 @7
Bench T&G 135x15, Myoreps 3, 3, 3, 2, 3
Chinups - BWx16, Myoreps 4, 4, 4, 3, 3

Time: 56:07; SRPE @8

12/02/19 Monday

Squat - 290x1 @8, 260x5 @9, 240x5 @8, 240x5 @7
OHP - 135x1 @8, 120x5 @9.5, 110x5 @7, 110x5 @8
Pendlay Row - 145x14 @8, Myoreps 5, 3x4

Time: 89:17; SRPE: @8

12/04/19 Wednesday

Bench - 200x1 @8, 180x5 @9, 165x5 @7, 165x3
Beltless Squat - 245x1 @8, 230x5 @9, 210x5x2
Leg Press - 180x18 @8, Myoreps 5x5

Time: 64:43; SRPE @8

12/06/19 Friday

Deadlift - 365x1 @9.5, 310x5 @9, 300x5 @9, 300x5 @8
Bench T&G - 100x15 @8, Myoreps 5, 4x4 Pullups - 15, Myoreps 5x5.

Time: 66:52; SRPE @9

After an entire November of no lifting, every set of Deadlift felt like a 10. Hello, old friend, DOMS! Thanks for letting me know how it feels to be little mermaid with legs. Let’s not repeat that.

12/09/19 Monday

Squat - 285x1@8, 255x5 @9, 235x5 @7, 235x5 @6
OHP - 125x1 @8, 115x5 @8, 105x5x3 @6
Pendlay Row - 145x15, Myoreps 4, 4, 4, 3, 3

Time: 62:53; SRPE @8

12/10/19 Wednesday

Bench - 205x1 @8, 185x5 @8.5, 170x5x3 @7
Beltless Squat - 255x1 @8, 235x5 @9, 215x5x2 @6
Leg Press - 270x16, Myoreps 5x5

Time: 75:12; SRPE @8.5

12/13/19 Friday

Deadlift - 355x1 @8, 320x5 @9, 290x5x2 @7
Bench T&G - 115x15, Myoreps 4,4,4,3,3
Chinups - BWx15, Myoreps 4,3,3,3,3

Time: 71:19; SRPE @9

Hypertrophy Week 1

01/06/20 Monday

HBBS - 195x8, 205x8, 215x8
OHP - 75x8, 80x8, 85x8
RDL - 115x12, 135x12, 155x12
Leg Extension - 70x20, 90x17
Time: 73:22; SRPE @7

01/08/20 Wednesday

Bench T&&G - 145x8, 150x8, 155x8
2ct Paused Squat - 145x10, 155x10, 165x10
Flat DB BP - 50eachx12, 45x10, 45x7
Flat DB Flyes - 20eachx18, 20x16

Time: 65:40; SRPE @9

01/10/20 Friday

Sumo DL - 225x8, 245x8, 275x8
CGBP - 115x10, 120x10, 125x8
45d Incline DB BP - 40x13, 35x12, 35x12
DB Lateral Raises - 15x20,15x18

Time: 48:31; SRPE @8

Hypertrophy Week 2

01/13/20 Monday

HBBS - 195x8 @6, 205x8 @7, 215x8x2 @8
OHP - 80x8 @6, 85x8 @7, 95x8 @8, 95x7 @9
RDL - 135x12 @6, 145x12 @7, 165x12x2 @8
Leg Extension - 90x20x2

Time: 77:27; SRPE @8

01/16/20 Thursday

Bench T&G - 135x8 @6, 145x8 @7, 150x8x2 @8
2ct Paused Squat - 145x10 @7, 155x10 @8, 165x10 @9, 155x10 @8
Flat DB BP - 45x15 @10, 40x12x2 @7
Flat DB Flyes - 20x20 @8, 20x18 @8

Time: 63:46; SRPE @7

01/18/20 Saturday

Sumo DL - 225x8 @6, 235x8 @7, 255x8x2 @8
CGBP - 115x10 @7, 125x10 @8, 130x10 @9, 120x10 @9
45d Incline DB BP - 40x16 @10, 40x12 @7, 40x12 @8
DB Lateral Raise - 15x20@8, 15x17 @8

Time: 54:12; SRPE @8

Hypertrophy Week 3

01/20/20 Monday

HBBS - 195x8 @6, 205x8 @7, 215x8x3 @8
OHP - 85x8 @6, 90x8 @7, 95x8 @9, 90x8x2 @8
RDL - 135x12 @6, 155x12 @7, 175x12x2 @8
Leg Extension - 100x20 @9, 100x16 @8

Time: 79:38; SRPE @8

01/21/20 Tuesday

Bench T&G - 135x8 @6, 145x8 @7, 155x8x3 @8
2ct Paused Squat - 135x10 @7, 145x10 @8, 155x10 @9, 145x10 @7
Flat DB BP - 45x17 @10, 40x12 @8, 40x12 @8
Flat DB Flyes - 20x20 @7, 25x20 @8

Time: 54:36; SRPE @7

01/23/20 Thursday

Sumo DL 225x8 @6, 235x8 @7, 245x8x3 @8
CGBP - 115x10 @7, 125x10 @8, 135x10 @9, 125x10 @7
45d Incline DB BP - 45x18 @10, 40x12 @8, 40x12 @8
DB Lateral Raises - 20x17 @9, 20x16 @9

Time: 65:57; SRPE @8

Hypertrophy Week 4

01/27/20 Monday

HBBS - 195x8 @6, 205x8 @7, 215x8x3 @8
OHP - 75x8 @7, 85x8 @8, 95x6, 85x8 @9
RDL - 155x12 @6, 175x12 @7, 185x12x3 @8
Leg Extension - 90x15x2 @8, 90x18 @8

Time: 82:40; SRPE @8

01/29/20 Wednesday

Bench T&G - 135x8 @7, 150x8 @8, 160x8 @9, 150x8 @8, 150x8 @9
2ct Paused Squat - 135x10 @7, 145x10 @8, 160x10 @9, 150x10 @7, 150x10x2 @8
Flat DB BP - 45x16 @10, 40x12 @6, 40x12 @7, 40x12 @8
Flat DB Flyes - 25x20 @9, 25x20 @8

Time: 64:13; SRPE @7

01/31/20 Friday
Sumo DL - 225x8 @6, 235x8 @7, 250x8x3 @8
CGBP - 120x10 @7, 130x10 @8, 140x10 @9, 130x10 @9, 130x8 @9
45d Incline DB BP - 50x15 @10, 45x12 @9, 45x8 @10, 35x12 @9
DB Lateral Raises - 20x18 @9, 20x16 @8

Time: 79:08; SRPE @8

Hypertrophy Week 5

02/03/20 Monday

HBBS - 195x8 @7, 205x8 @8, 225x8 @9, 210x8 @8, 210x4
OHP - 85x8 @7, 90x8 @8, 95x8 @9, 90x8 @8, 90x8 @9
RDL - 155x12 @6, 175x12 @7, 190x12x3 @8
Leg Extensions - 85x18x3 @8

Time: 93:00; SRPE @8

02/05/20 Wednesday
1ct Paused Bench - 140x8 @7, 145x8 @8, 150x8 @9, 145x8 @8, 145x8 @8.5, 145x7 @9
2ct Paused Squat - 145x10 @7, 155x10 @8, 165x10 @9, 155x10x2 @7
45d Incline DB BP - 45x15 @10, 40x12x3 @7
Flat DB Flyes - 25x20x2 @8

Time: 81:59; SRPE @8

02/07/20 Friday
Sumo DL - 225x8 @7, 235x8 @8, 245x8 @9, 225x8x3 @7
CGBP - 120x10 @6, 135x10 @8, 140x10 @9, 130x10x2 @9
Flat DB BP - 50x16 @10, 50x12 @8, 45x12 @9, 45x9 @10
DB Lateral Raises - 20x16x2 @8, 20x15 @9

Time: 89:07; SRPE @8

All i could think about during sumo deadlift every week was how much i hated it…

Hypertrophy Week 6

02/10/20 Monday

LBBS - 195x8 @7, 205x8 @7, 220x8 @8
High Incline BP - 100x8 @6, 110x8 @8, 115x8 @7
2" Deficit Stiff legged DL - 205x12 @8, 210x12 @9, 215x10 @9
Seated Leg Curls - 70x20x2 @7

Time: 69:48; SRPE @7

02/12/20 Wednesday

1ct Paused Bench - 145x8 @7, 150x8 @8, 160x8 @9
Leg Press - 270x10 @7, 320x10 @8, 360x10 @8
15d Incline DB BP - 50x12 @10, 40x12x2 @6
Flat DB Flyes - 30x18x2 @8

Time: 46:50; SRPE @7

02/14/20 Friday
Conv. DL - 205x8 @6, 235x8 @8, 255x8 @8
2ct Paused Bench - 115x10 @7, 125x10 @7, 140x10 @10
Seated DB Shoulder Press - 35x16 @10, 30x12 @6, 30x12 @7
DB Lateral Raises - 20x18 @8, 20x18 @9

Time: 54:46; SRPE @8

Very excited to get back to Low-bar squat and Conventional DL this week, but managed to stay cool and conservative in weight choices.

Hypertrophy Week 7

02/17/20 Monday

LBBS - 200x8 @7, 210x8 @8, 220x8 @9, 210x8 @7, 210x8 @8
High Incline BP - 105x8 @7, 115x8 @7, 125x8 @8, 115x8 @6 115x8 @6
2" Deficit DL - 185x12 @6, 195x12 @7, 205x12x2 @8
Lying Leg Curls - 65x16 @9, 65x12 @9

Time: 92:46; SRPE @8

02/19/20 Wednesday

1ct Paused Bench - 145x8 @7, 155x8 @8, 165x8 @9, 155x8 @9
Leg Press - 320x10 @7, 360x10 @8, 410x10 @9, 400x10 @9
15d Incline DB BP - 45x15 @10, 40x12 @7, 40x12 @6
Flat DB Flyes - 30x18 @9, 30x17 @9

Time: 55:03; SRPE @8

02/20/20 Friday

Conv. DL - 225x8 @7, 245x8 @8, 265x8 @9, 250x8 @7, 250x8 @8
2ct Paused Bench - 115x10 @7, 130x10 @8, 135x10 @9, 125x10 @9
Seated DB Press - 35x16 @10, 30x12x2 @7
DB Lateral Raises - 20x18 @9, 20x17 @9

Time: 57:56; SRPE @8