Total calories and periworkout meals


I have discovered that I need to eat 3500 calories to maintain my weight at 205. I am 6 foot 4.25 inches tall. I am starting the Beginner template, and I want to eventually get bigger. After maintaining my weight how much should I increase my carbohydrates per week to get bigger? Also when should I increase fats? Also, what is a reasonable amount of fats to eat with periworkout meals? 8g? 12g?

I do not think you need to add energy weekly to gain weight, no. I also don’t think you need to add ONLY carbohydrates when you do add energy. Rather, I’d add both carbohydrates and fats per your own preferences. There are no limits to dietary fat in periworkout meals, though some people prefer less fat in them to avoid GI upset during training and/or adherence otherwise.