So I very definitely have white coat syndrome and my BP was pretty high the last time I went in: around 137 / 80 .
After that, at home I measured my BP for 10 days in a row morning and night and the numbers were well within normal: SYS AVG 114 (min 101/ max 122), DIA AVG 71 (min 62, max 77). My doc did not recommend medication - and I’m not sure I’d want those numbers to be lower - but I have read a bit about the risks of white coat syndrome and I’ve heard you talk about it. Any thoughts on this?
As an aside, the one time I had good BP readings at the doctors office, I went in with a print out of my last 10 days of blood pressure readings which were all within the normal range. So basically I was no longer facing a “high stakes test” - I had clear evidence of what my blood pressure is. So I think I’ll start doing that from now on…