12-week Olympic Template Question

Hey Team,

I recently purchased the 12-Week Olympic template. On Week 1, Day 3, Exercise 1 it states “1 rep EMOM x 12 min (start @ 70%)” My question is regarding the “start @ 70%” portion. To me this implies that I should be gradually increasing the weight throughout the 12 singles. Is this correct, and if so what percentage/RPE should I be working up to? Am I misinterpreting this and should just remain at 70% for all 12 reps?

Thanks in advance for the response and for all of the great information you guys provide.

Yep, it says to add weight every 2 consecutive “makes” or successful lifts. So in a perfect world, you’d add weight ~6 times. We think 2kg jumps are appropriate in most cases.

Another question regarding the template. During Day 1 of Weeks 1-6 on Exercise 1 it says "2 reps @ RPE 7, 2 reps @ RPE 8, 2 rep @ RPE 9, Repeat 2 @ 9 x 3 sets of reps." The bolded section of the text is where my question is, it doesn’t actually state the number of reps to be performed. I checked the overview tab as well and it is also missing the numbers. I missed this during the first week running the program and I just did sets of 2 but as the volume increases throughout the weeks I feel like doing that many doubles @ RPE 9 might become too difficult (or maybe not, I’m new to the whole RPE thing and still figuring out the appropriate intensity for my sets.) I imagine it is either 1 or 2 reps that would be prescribed here but was just looking for clarification.

Also in regards to your answer above “it says to add weight every 2 consecutive lifts”. I wasn’t able to find that stated anywhere in the excel file, any chance I have something set up wrong? I’d rather resolve this now if possible and not have to keep taking up your time asking for clarification on exercises/reps/sets if it is already stated somewhere in the program.

Thanks again.