hello doctors,
a week and a half ago, on a saturday, i experienced pain symptoms in what i believe to be my left adductor for the first time.
on that thursday, which is my high school powerlifting team’s squat day, i had an amrap @90% scheduled. i did the amrap, got 4 reps, and felt pretty good about it.
then that saturday, when i did my high bar paused squats, i could feel some discomfort in the back, inside of my upper left thigh and lower left buttock. it didn’t feel like pain, just discomfort.
so i continued as normal, hit my deadlifts on monday, which felt just fine. then that wednesday, i had to do paused deads and leg press. the paused deads felt fine, but the leg press was a little more painful than the saturday squats.
then that thursday, i did our schools squat day, which worked up to a double @95%. warmups were a little discomforting but no major pain. each set was tough, but i was able to hit a 2 rep pr nonetheless.
then on saturday i wasn’t even capable of doing a body weight squat without a lot of pain. so i started taking ibuprofen and following the copenhagen protocol.
to be clear, my pain feels worse on squats than deadlifts, and specifically hurts at the bottom half of the squat. and it is in my inside, back region of my upper thigh. feels like an adductor thing but i’m obviously no expert.
currently it is monday, and i was not even able to deadlift 135 without incredible discomfort (my e1RM is about 430 and i was scheduled to take a single @90%). i have a meet this coming saturday, which complicates things even more. how should i alter my programming and what should i do?