Aerobic training programs

I’ve used BBM templates for years for powerlifting, but I’m looking to increase my aerobic capacity. I’m fairly well trained at the moment, but would like to implement a program that really prioritizes aerobic function. I’m currently running a BBM rehab template otherwise I’d run the endurance template. In the interim, while I finish this template, what would you recommend my training look like to ramp this up?

current program: shoulder rehab (week 3) + ~3-6 hours of surfing per week (significant cardio demand) + 3x 30 min LISS on assault bike for ~11.75-12 miles + 1 20 min HIIT circuit on assault bike.

should I just be making my LISS sessions longer? Same length but faster? switch some for HIIT session?



Thanks for the post.

Per the MET compendium , which gives us a good idea of the energy cost of most activities, we can see where you’re at in relationship to the current guidelines of 500 to 1000 MET-minutes per week.

  1. 3 hours (180 minutes) per week of surfing, a 5 MET activity= 900 MET-minutes
  2. 90 minutes per week of LISS at ~12 mph, a 6.8 MET activity= 612 MET-minutes
  3. 20 minutes of HIIT per week, ~ approximately 10 METs= 200 MET-minutes This puts you at 1712 MET-minutes per week of conditioning on the low end. That said, surfing is taking up a big chunk of that and is likely not that useful in developing non-surfing-related aerobic capacity. I’m not sure that what sort of additional training time you have to do more conditioning and where your conditioning is currently. Off the cuff, I’d recommend doing the lifting and conditioning from the endurance template, but do the upper body stuff from the shoulder template. If keeping the same setup you’re doing now, I would extend the LISS sessions and replace the HIIT with an aerobic interval session.


Awesome, thank you Jordan! One clarifying question: what is the distinction between HIIT and aerobic interval sessions?

Good question. It’s a bit arbitrary, but when I say HIIT, I mean anaerobic intervals. Theoretically any interval work - aerobic, anaerobic, or otherwise- could be high intensity. Thanks for the question.