Hi, I’m new to the forums, was hoping to get some help on a shoulder issue i have.
I’ve had bilateral shoulder pain for a long time - typically the right is a bit worse than the left. An ultrasound and 3 physios have said i have bursa impingment. Mind you, a cortisone injection in the right bursa did not improve the pain at all. While ive never been able to get 100% pain free, ive managed to work around it by improving my form, stretching my pecs more regularly, rotator cuff strength exercises, and nsaids occasionally.
However, recently the pain has been worse, and in particular the left is a lot worse. Saw an orthopaedic surgeon who actually thinks its AC joint inflammation. Doesnt think its bad enough for surgery. So he gave me a cortisone injection in the left shoulder AC joint and it worked a treat - almost 100% pain free. So he said this confirmed his diagnosis. But now a month later its bad again.
So he’s suggestion (if i wish to continue weight training) was to switch to dumbbells for all presses and go to lower weights and higher reps (20 rep range).
He’s other suggestion was neutral grip for pull-ups or chin ups instead of overhand grip.
I’m pretty happy with my body composition, not looking to increase muscle mass or strength now. Just looking to somehow maintain what i got. Happy to incorporate only DB and alter my hand orientation for pull ups.
But I’m worried ill lose strength and muscle mass at such a high rep range. I’m currently doing 6-8 reps for bench and 8-10 for shoulder press.
Sorry about your shoulder pain, as a PT if you were my patient I would tell you to modify as you tolerate, if you can do press with the barbell at a lower weight without increased symptoms then you could start there and begin working additional reps or sets and build up as you tolerate without increased symptoms. If just the position of the barbell during your press bothers your shoulder (or you just prefer dumbbell presses and can work at a higher load pain free) then I would tell you those are fine to substitute with your movements and continue to work as much as possible, Neutral grip may be more comfortable but there is nothing magically different about that position in regards to the AC joint, but if it allows you to work more pain free then I would tell you to go with it and continue to return to barbell pressing to evaluate symptoms after a short break if your goal is to return to those specific lifts
Also without knowing what your exact workout routine is I would look into some of those factors and see if you are making sure you are having enough recovery time between your presses- that is another variable to factor in as well that can be manipulated
I would expect you to lose a slight bit on your 1RM measurements if you aren’t working those specific movements, but if you can continue to work hard and maintain everything from a nutrition I wouldn’t expect a massive change in composition and your 1RM should be able to recover relatively quickly once your return to working them assuming it’s only a short lay off
Just my thoughts, hope this helps
Thanks for the response. I’m wondering, if I can do DB press pain free, is there a need to even try going back to BB?
Like i said, generally happy with my current physique, I’d be happy to just go into maintenance mode and not risk a worse injury. I can live with a lose in 1RM and a bit of muscle mass, but would like to minimise it as much as i can.
Was thinking of working in the 10-12 rep range, hopefully can still get a bit of hypertrophy, while dropping the load on the joint.
Generally people prefer to do barbell as opposed to dumbbell because you can put more weight on a straight bar for strength development. However if you have pain with straight bar and are pain free with dumbbell (or have no particular desire to return to straight bar) then you should still be able to work similar muscles with the concept of working into progressive overload as your body tolerates. Given your goals I would think this is a viable option in your case if are aren’t concerned with some strength loss, you should still be able to build some hypertrophy if you are continuing to progress strength
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Ok thanks, that provides some comfort. I’ll see how i go over the next few weeks. Thanks again.