Bulgarian SS

I’m doing block 3 of bb2 and the split squats supersetted with another exercise are red lining me from a cardiorespiratory perspective. If I push to the prescribed rpe on the BSS I’m super gassed and have to take breaks between legs and before moving on to the other exercise in the SS. Definitely would not be able to keep it in the prescribed rest period range. I do love BSS and get a great stimulus. Just wondering if I should push the rest periods as long as I need to to perform or if I should lower the rpe or some other strategy. Thanks.

If you selected BSS on Day 3 to superset with the hamstrings exercise, you can rest in between the efforts and not superset them. I don’t think supersets lead to more growth when volume is held constant, but it can be useful to save time. If you find yourself super winded and unable to do 2 movements back to back for each “set”, you can rest in between and not superset them.

Great, thanks.