Hello all, so I understand that while in a caloric deficit there are only a few circumstances where you can increase muscle cross sectional area. So, would doing hypertrophy work with the intent of increasing muscle cross sectional area be a possibility while maintaining a caloric deficit?
Just for context my primary goal is weight loss. I have lost roughly 90lbs (354->261) and still have a ways to go to get my waist circumference under 40". But, I have been doing the hypertrophy template and while it is great and I am still achieving my primary goal I didn’t know if my caloric deficit was taking away from actually achieving muscle hypertrophy. Either way I am continuing with it until I can get my waist under 40". I would also like to say thanks for all of the content and information that BBM puts out. The knowledge you all share has given my the tools to improve my health and get stronger than I have ever been.