Caloric intake related to goals...


I am curious If I should continue eating to slowly gain weight like I have for the past couple of months.

I am 41yo/6’3”/210lbs. My waist measurement (around belly button) is 40.75, I am fairly lean otherwise. I have been on the SSLP for about 9 weeks and my numbers are Squat: 215x5, Press: 135x3, Bench: 230x5, DL: 280x5. I recently reset on squat to work on form. I stalled twice on press so I went to 3x3, bench and DL are starting to be very challenging.

My cholesterol numbers are Total: 190, HDL: 36, LDL: 140, and have been tracking ever so slightly in the positive direction over the past year (although I have gained about 10 pounds since those numbers were recorded).

I have been eating roughly 3500 calories a day with macros of 275p/85f/410c

My question is; Should I continue eating as I currently am considering 1) where I currently am in my LP 2) My height/weight 3) My waist measurement 4) My cholesterol numbers and desire to be in a more “optimal” range.

I have been reading that a waist measurement for men of >40 is in the “danger zone”.

Thanks in advance and I would be happy to provide more info if needed.

You should not gain weight. I’d have you try and maintain BW while continuing training.

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Should I be concerned about my waist measurement at this point?

Maintaining this current BW and keeping up your training will likely lead to a decrease in your waist.

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I have the same question, but I’m 36 years old. Starting my SSLP and wanting to know where to start with calorie intake.

I’m 6’4" 217 lbs, 39" waist (just finished an RP cut two weeks ago and lost about 5lbs)

Safe to mass at 3500 – 4000 cal/day?

I would maintain weight and your waist should go down slightly during LP.

Hi Jordan and Leah,

I’m hoping to follow back up on this with you guys on this.

Since my original post, I finished my LP, then moved on to The Bridge.

I’m currently in week 4 of The Bridge and my waist measurement is hovering at 38-39 inches with a body weight of 207. Nutrition wise, should I continue basically eating in a body weight maintenance fashion?

With the added conditioning of The Bridge, I wasn’t sure if I should adjust my strategy in any way.

Thanks so much guys! These forums are priceless!
