Camber vs. straight football/multigrip bar

I’m looking at getting one of the titan multigrip bars. I’m planning to use it for row and press variations.

Has anyone used the cambered version, better yet, has anyone used both? How do you like it for barbell rows and or bench, incline bench, press?

I think I want the cambered version but am worried there could be unforeseen draw backs compared to the straight version.

Do you have any chance to try out a cambered bar at a gym? That’s what I did, and found that my shoulders didn’t seem to enjoy the extra range of motion when using one. YMMV.

I bought a cheapo football bar for the home gym in order to mix up my grip on variations (mainly incline BP and curls) and it’s been a good purchase. If you are buying for yourself, just check the inside dimensions between the collars and the bar work with any rack you own. On mine, there’s only about 5 mm clearance on the outside which makes it awkward to rack.

Thanks, I’ll call around and see if any local gyms have one, though I’m doubtful. Thanks for the feedback.

I recently bought the cambered bar and had the same experience that Ropable described. After my first day using it, my shoulder complained, which was unexpected. 3 weeks later, I’m back to normal training, including using the new bar. I should have been more conservative when loading it the first time, I think.

I also have to be very carefully when racking the bar, since it barely fits in the rack. Not too bad, but it’s another thing that has to be “managed” when finishing my set. Not optimal, but I still like using the bar.

Updating now that I’ve used the Titan multigrip camber bar a bit. A few things…

  1. Using the wide handles for bent over rows, wide grip felt most natural and I like the little extra ROM. Other grips felt usable also for rows.
  2. Using the inner angled grip for incline bench. Tried each of the 3 grips and the inner grip felt most natural. Just getting used to the new movement now and weight is going up. Feels different but good.
  3. Using the inner grips for curls. It’s alright, again, just something different. Big difference in difficulty with the camber towards vs. away from you.
  4. Surprise bonus; just started using it in place of a bench for barbell hip thrusters. Back fits right into the camber, can adjust height easily. Had to use a little graphite grease to get it to rotate smoothly but works like a dream with the graphite. Also made it easier to slide the bar forward in the hooks for bench lift offs since rolling the bar to position isn’t as easy as with a straight bar.

Haven’t trained any other movements yet but have played a little and think in the future I could see myself using it for;

  1. A standing press variation, intermediate grip feels most natural out of the gate but I think all 3 grips will be usable.
  2. Bench press variation;wide and intermediate grips feel pretty natural camber up or down for either increased ROM or a decreased ROM/board press. Close grip is ok, preferred the other 2.
  3. Can put it on top of the rack for pull ups with minimal tinkering, bar stays pretty level but does have a little “swing” if just sitting on the top crossbars. I need band assistance for pull ups though and they dont attach as well as on the straight bar.

Reviews said specialty weight clips would be necessary but my cheap play it again sports spring clips work.

I think my elbows are appreciating the grip variance. I only have a barbell, rack and adjustable bench otherwise.

I think I would prefer all angled grips instead of straight but like having the camber. Only the Kadillac Bar($$$) seemed to have both.

I’d say for the price it’s a pretty good addition for me. Would like to add a safety squat bar and a trap bar next.