Hello Doctors,
A while back, I found that I had a hip shift in the deadlift, and spent about 4 weeks fixing that issue. This happened back when I also was experiencing hip discomfort on the right side. Now, I have fixed that issue, and my deadlifts have no noticeable imbalances when looking at videos of my lift filmed from behind. However, ever since I started doing the transition to singles @ 8 with some dropsets, I have noticed a similar right hip discomfort. I am not sure what could be causing this, other than the overall cumulative stress experienced by my body. I always stress technique and film myself, so the chances of it being due to technique are low.
I do have a couple of interesting piece of information about how the discomfort presents itself. Today while doing pause squats, I noticed that after doing the set, and then taking a step back from the platform, only then did I feel it. Not during the set, not after while I was still in the DL start/end position, but only when I took a step back. The second thing I have noticed is that at least for a couple of nights it hurts more. Some mornings I would wake up and flex my hip abductors and it would hurt. When I got up and started going throughout my day, I did not notice it. It is all very peculiar and annoying. Considering the fact that I can’t squat for the time being due to a hip adductor issue, it would be great for my deadlifts to be going more smoothly.