Can I squat heavy with Chondromalacia?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been dealing with low grade Chondromalacia on my left knee for about two years diagnosed via mri from a ortho. I’m 23 years old.

My knees pop a lot and it’s very loud. It usually happens as I initiate the squat. The popping is painless and sometimes makes my knee feel better.

The main cause of pain in my knees is if I do a lot of walking or standing. Also if I rest my knee for an extended amount of time the pain comes back. I usually get a unstable sensation in my left knee.

I haven’t tried running or jumping for about a year and a half bc last time I tried my knee swelled up. I’m able to squat pain free and I squatted 285 3x6 pretty easily the other day with knee sleeves and a belt.

I was just wondering if it’s ok to continue to keep increasing the weight in my squats. Also, if anyone has overcome Chondromalacia could you give me some tips on how?


Hey @Keec33 - thanks for the questions. My assumption is you’ve been provided the diagnosis of chrondromalacia patella, where the undersurface of the knee cap demonstrates changes visible on imaging. Please feel free to clarify what you’ve been told and why you sought consultation. Overall, chrondromalacia patella should not be a reason to cease or avoid any activity. You would need to find tolerable dosage of activity with which to build from but that honestly goes for any human engaging in activity. The popping you describe is known as crepitus and not something to be concerned over or pay close attention to. See this article HERE on crepitus. For a general approach to training with symptoms, check out this article HERE. Finally, we’d be happy to do a remote consultation with you so we can work through this narrative and provide individualized recommendations. If this is something you are interested in please complete our intake paperwork HERE.