A: No.
B: Nothing to correct. Just keep training !
Eh, I’m usually of this same mindset, but I’m not sure if I agree in this case. Your elbows are pretty significantly flared/upright here. Getting your elbows down and your upper back tighter would probably help your squat be more stable and efficient. Your bar path starts to pitch forward out of the bottom starting on the third rep in the linked video - does it ever feel like the bar is rolling up toward your neck? Maybe not on a set of 6@8 or whatever is shown, but on a harder set with a heavier load?
No, the opposite. The bar feels like it might roll down my back if I’m not careful. I have very little meat up there to create a shelf for the bar to sit on.
FWIW I’ve always found LBBS once I get to about 70% or more of max very uncomfortable and stressful on body parts that don’t really seem like they should be impacted during a lower body dominant exercise (shoulders, elbows, wrists, etc.). About a year ago I said fuck it and just HBBS–it’s far more comfortable for me and I’m pretty sure my elbows aren’t missing out on juicy LBBS gains.
I’ve struggled with this quite a bit. Your set looked pretty consistent and more or less comfortable so it may not be an issue for you. FWIW, I’ve run into trouble keeping my upper back tight at very high (90% and up) intensity, at which point my elbows crank up even higher and the bar wants to shift forward/up. If it’s an issue you want to correct, these are the 2 best sources I’ve come across:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhzRIBvwhUo (I know this one starts out with Alan “All You Need to Know About the Squat…version 17.2” Thrall, but stay long enough to find out who the video actually features )
For the record, I’m a huge Alan Thrall fan and would likely watch 17 more videos of him talking about squatting.
I just wanted to give an update and give A HUGE THANK YOU for this post. It was exactly the solution!!! Please see the my latest set of squats with the fixed elbow position. It took some time to get it down, but it is now so comfortable and feels much better!!