Could too much frequency/volume cause a flair up UC/Crohn’s Disease?

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease a year ago at age 60. Prior to this, I had no symptoms.

I have been hitting the gym three times a week. I follow “Two Lifts a Day for the Post-Novice Master” article by Scott Acosta, SSC I
My question relates to training volume and frequency, and if too much or either could cause the symptoms to flair up.
Should I reduce the volume and/or frequency of the above program?
The Gastroenterologist I see wants to start me on Humira this month as Asacol (Mesalamine) and Prednisone proved to be less than effective in treating the symptoms. I’m a little concerned about the side effects

My question relates to training volume and frequency, and if too much or either could cause the symptoms to flair up.

It’s theoretically possible, although there is not a lot of good research on this, and some of the research on higher intensity exercise finds that it is tolerated well in patients with IBD.

With that said, the Starting Strength training approach outlined in the article you linked is already a low volume, low frequency program, and I would hesitate to blame it for your symptoms. The intensity may be too high (as is often the case with SS programs), but I am still not confident that this fully explains a symptom flare up.

That’s good news! Thanks, I’m happy with the results I’m getting with the 2 LD template, so I’d hate to change it.

I’ve made the necessary diet and lifestyle changes for someone with UC/Crohn’s, so I feel that the explanation of what caused the flair-up must be found elsewhere.