Hi, can I get some feedback on my form please? Never had back pain or issues but my back looks very rounded here. I know some rounding is okay but is this too much? This is 4@RPE8.
Hi, can I get some feedback on my form please? Never had back pain or issues but my back looks very rounded here. I know some rounding is okay but is this too much? This is 4@RPE8.
The bar is not probably over your mid-foot and you almost do touch. Maybe you need to brace more tightly for each rep.
Thanks mate
Rounding is not excessive, but it gets more pronounced through the set. You don’t look like you’re resetting the bracing through your trunk between reps. Maybe take a second longer between reps to get a breath and brace.
Nice one thanks very much
Your back is definitely rounded. Its hard to say why. I sometimes have rounding issue and for me I think its tight hamstrings (I do a lot of cardio that causes my hamstrings to get tight). That may or may not be your issue. A good way to find out if your hamstrings may be the issue is the bend down and try to touch your toes with a straight back. If your back is rounding like crazy when you try that you have tight hamstrings. If you have tight hamstrings that is probably at least contributing to the rounded back even if there are other factors in play.
Awesome thanks mate will try the touching my toes technique. How do you loosen yours, just stretching and more warm ups?
I tried standing closer to the bar during some paused deadlifts yesterday and that seemed to reduce rounding too.
It looks to me like you could improve by pulling your shoulder blades down better to engage your lats more. Pull them straight down towards your back pocket, as they say. I do this while I’m still standing up before I get down to the bar. This reduces the distance between your shoulders and hips which also helps to maintain a straighter back. One thing you could try as well, that has worked for me, is to brace and take a deep breath in a neutral position while standing and then get down to the bar. You don’t have to perform a rep, but take a video of what this looks like. Most likely, you will have a more neutral starting position, and you can see what position you should be working towards. Also, do you know if your back is straighter without a belt? I know my belt causes me to arch my lumbar a little bit more since the belt hits my thighs. I really have to squeeze into position a lot more due to the belt. Unfortunately, you will probably have to lower the weight some to correct this.
Lastly, are you breathing on the way down with the weight? It appears that you only take a deep breath at the bottom on the first rep. I would recommend doing this with all reps to keep them the same.