Hey guys,
Got a deadlift injury for the first time and I’m confused as to what to learn from it. See link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54KXgmOAUUA
Been lifting for about 2 years now, dead lifting at least once a week on average for those 2 years. I recently finished the Bridge and was hovering around these numbers for my 1 reps as of last week:
Squat: 290-305 depending on mood/psych/cheeseburger intake
6ft, 180 lbs
I had just finished the bridge and was rerunning it with altered reps for a second time. On week 1, day one I got the injury. On the 4th rep of 1 count paused dead lifts I felt some sort of discomfort asides from muscle burn, I finished the 5th then felt a quick tightening in the right lower back. No pops, no numbness/tingling, I only felt pain if I bent over with a round back to touch my toes. From what I can tell I’m thinking its some sort of strain or sprain. I was able to do some basketball that afternoon and run/jump/shoot without any loss of ability. Finished the afternoon on 1.5 g ibuprophen and ice. I’m not hindered in function as of today (day one post injury), was able to do 3 sets of 15 reps for 135 deadlifts this morning to try to keep it loose. No pain or range of motion problems once warmed up. But I still feel a dull ache and I’m concerned. The pain is about a hand’s width above my butt cheeks on the right side of the spine.
I’m confused about what to take away from the situation. I had decided to be honest with myself and try true rpe 7-8s thru out my second run through. And the weight at 265 was a back off from what I had done in the previous cycle of the bridge.
I’ve done some dumb stuff with deadlifts, RPE 11.5 sets with a mentality that if I don’t complete them I’ll never get better. And I do think that I’ve managed to keep quite good form throughout this. It kind of pisses me off that the second I try to hold back and keep some in the tank I get a strain/sprain.
Looking at my video it looks like to me like on the 4th rep I pause, then drop about a half inch then pull. This too me looks like the culprit of the strain.
Any thoughts on form? Any ideas on how conservative/ aggressive to be with getting back to it?
Thanks in advance for any reply’s,