DLBC Lympohma


I was recently diagnosed with advanced stage DLBC Lympohma. I had a first round of chemo + other treatment 2 weeks ago and finally got back into the gym yesterday after 5.5 weeks of being unable to lift. I feel good, can lift but am weak. Could you give any guidance about lifting in this situation? Like I probably can’t go near the intensity and volume that I was used to before all this but aside from just sort of listening to my body are there other guidelines to go by? Like some time-frame I should avoid lifting relative to getting chemo infusions? Or just like if it feels OK go nuts, so to speak? Oncologist and an APP said to do physical fitness stuff like gym and cycling if I can/want to and gave no other input or restriction.


I would simply approach your training as if you’re a beginner again, and incorporate the use of RPE/autoregulation tools given that your performance potential may fluctuate to a greater extent than you’re used to (as a result of symptoms, chemo, etc.).

There is no need to avoid lifting with any particular proximity to infusions.

The only restrictions I would ask about / advise may relate to exercises that may result in direct physical impact to your infusion port (for example, if bench presses result in the bar coming down in contact with your port … I’d avoid that contact. Should be easily replaced with a different style of benching/pressing, however).

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