Ear Fluttering and Squats


I was training today - did some heavy squats which I built up to a single at RPE 9, then did 2 x 7 back off sets. On the last rep of that second set (on the concentric) I felt a sudden ‘pop’ in my ear which was immediately followed by a continuous fluttering feeling and sound / perhaps the feeling of my pulse muffled in there too. Dad (used to be a doctor) had a look in my ear with an otoscope and said it all looked normal. I was straining pretty hard and admittedly was holding in some gas on that set so you can picture the scene lol. It settled within about 30-60 seconds and there were no other symptoms. I am usually slightly hypertensive - ~125/70 (very lean 22 year old male) - I have no idea if that could be related. I hypothesised it has something to do with the increased pressure in my head during the final rep but I don’t know… any ideas?

I’m not sure I’ll be able to give a confident explanation for this, sorry.