Effect of lower fatigue programming on Austin's training

Hi Austin and team

I recently listened to the podcast where Jordan and Austin talked about lower fatigue programming and the effect it has had on Austin’s recent deadlift PR, and also read the book that came along with the program. This question is somewhat specific to Austin but I’m trying to better understand the concept in general, do you think the improvement you’ve seen is because the lower RPE sets allowed you to do more sets/total volume? or was volume relatively stable and you just needed to reduce some pent up fatigue for prior adaptations to become evident? Thanks for your insight.


I’d guess it’s multiple factors.

The total number of working reps isn’t necessarily higher, but they are broken up into more sets – this may allow for a higher number of “high force” reps with less intra-set fatigue. Performance is also less “masked” by fatigue, and I’m routinely fresher for top singles/sets. I also do not require frequent deload weeks, which likely allows for more productive training to be accumulated.

… but these are all still just guesses.

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