I just received the download of Strength and Conditioning and I’m excited to start. The program seems right up my alley and seems like a good fit for me. The downside is I’m Excel challenged and have spent all weekend just figuring out things, lol…
Anyways, just a few quick questions, for GPP work I’m struggling to decide between one arm db rows, inverted rows, or chest supported db rows for upper back. I like Inverted rows but 9-10 reps wouldcbe a 10 RPE set for me…
I’ll be doing one arm rows in place of Hip thrusts and RDL’s to begin with.
Secondly, for arm work on GPP days, can close grip pushups, bench dips, or any other triceps compound movement be used on lieu of triceps extensions?
Can I run close grip bench press straight through the 9 weeks in place of 2 count bench press?