I’ve been training consistently with barbells for six months.
Two months ago I was running the GPP template, and now I’m in the middle of 12 week strength.
Basically, I track my lifts and RPE, and two months ago, my 5 @ 8 on the squat and bench were pretty close to where they are now. So psychologically and educationally, I’m struggling with the subjective interpretation that I’m not really making progress anymore.
Now the caveat/albiet thing is, on another intellectual level, I’m really happy with my progress on 12 week strength so far! last two weeks, my heavy single on the squat and deadlift have really shot up. I got revenge on heavy singles that two months ago I failed (or didn’t succeed with technique wise)
So I guess:
For my deadlift, I’m really happy and I know that things are getting better because the heavy singles are going up.
To a lesser extent, so too the squat.
For bench & press, idk, it’s been a while since I saw any progress on these lifts, I’m not sure what’s going on, I’m wondering if I need more intensity or volume, even as I am doing the training.
Basically I understand that eventually progress slows down, but where’s the point where you say “hey this doesn’t seem to be working, maybe I need to do something else?”