Good Day,
I’m a long limbed lifter (6’7") and I injured my shoulder 15 years ago working on an assembly line doing repetitive motions. It has been diagnosed by a few different doctors as tendonitis or bursitis. All that aside, I read an artice on TNation by Lee Boyce that advocated the use of fat grips in pressing for bigger dudes. I have been doing this and experiencing a lot less pain, my question is whether this is backed up by science or if I have placebo’d myself?
First - excellent username.
You didn’t clearly mention what pain you had before - was it pain in your hands/fingers? I’m glad you’ve found a way to press pain-free. I am unaware of any science on this specific intervention, however.
While only anecdotal, i found i had less shoulder discomfort (almost entirely eliminated) when switching to something similar to the bulldog grip and widening my grip width - clearly was doing something less efficiently before. That could be what is being attributed to this difference - although at the same time it is likely more nuanced than that.
Thanks Austin,
Yourself and Jordan and everyone else at the Barbell Medicine team have been a huge inspiration to me. I am an above average consumer of information pertaining to training and nutrition and I have learned far more from you guys than everyone else put together. My hat is off to you all.
The pain kind of radiates from the shoulder to the bicep on the outside edge of my arm if that makes any sense. The article that promoted the use of fat grips said that the increased surface area diffused the pressure/weight of pressing. Like you said, I have found a way to press pain free and that’s all that really matters.
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