My wrist comes up every now and then and I feel like my left wrist always limits my squat. I tried to make sure to grip them in the same place in both hands and ideally with the same strength. I follow Baraki’s videos A LOT, and he seems to have wrist flexion but having that makes me feel super uncomfable and hurts my left wrists after a few
I had posted here before and took into account some of the pointers posters put here including lowering depth and bringing my feet closer together, fixing my walk out. Somethign I think I was also doing wrong that I have been working on more recently has been extending my lumbar spine a little (I was just hinging before) and jumping into and out of the hole in my squat. That reflex helps a lot and I feel stronger as long as I don’t hypertextend. So in the last two weeks I have been deloading due to this and a cut.
One seperate question I wanted to ask was about bars. I have a more rigid bar that doesn’t sem like it bends (25lb), one that bends under heavy weights (25lbs) and a 45lb that doens’t bend. Which compound movements should I use which bar types? My intuition is for bench/shoulder press it can be the more rigid one, for the others, one that bends towards the ends?