Updated it with some feedback some of you guys gave me last time. Complaints I got were about depth and good morning on the squats https://youtu.be/Rj2VnxcAC9s Can still use some help. Wrists are doing better. I was off balance on one squat, forgot an ascending squeue maybe because I added on my last set.
One question I always have is do people have ANY lumbar extension? I watched a rip video on this and just have a little (towards the middle and end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXfOdvd-sJ0)
Here is some constructive criticism. Please don’t take anything as an insult. We are all here to get stronger!
-Without a better camera angle, it still looks like you’re about 4 inches too high - although this could just be the camera angle. Try widening your stance a touch and play with the angle of your toes to see if that helps. It is also possible that this weight is too heavy and you need to lower the weight to iron out the technique.
-Your setup is excruciatingly long to get under the bar. It appears you are having a hard time getting to bar set on your back. Try moving your hands out an inch or so to see if it’s easier to place to bar. Everyone is different so it will just take a little experimenting
Do yourself a favor and get a belt if you are really serious about training.
-Look at your heels; they are lifting off the ground which tells me that your weight is not centered over midfoot. I like to mentally think that I have a nail going through my heel and ball of my foot and I have to equally apply pressure to those two spots
-Watch your wrists. As you come out of the hole, your elbows drop down and caused your wrists to extend like crazy. You may not notice it yet, but I would guess you are carrying the majority of the weight with your arms instead of your back.
-With regards to the extension, you should not actively be trying to force your lumbar spine into extension. Rather engage your trunk muscles to keep the spine neutral. Seeing the slightest bit of extension is alright but it should not be glaringly obvious that the spine is in extension. Again, I would imagine a belt would do you wonders. I actually have a Rogue Ohio Belt in XL that is in incredible shape that I would be happy to sell for cheap if you are interested.
-Do everyone a favor and don’t go barefoot at the gym. At least wear some socks or something. PLEASE.
-Again, your setup is excruciatingly long but I know that just comes with practice.
-Your hips are too low when you start. Watch how your butt raises a few inches before the bar move. This is a sign that they are too low and you are wasting energy here.
-Your lockout looks very nice. You are standing fully upright with a proud chest.
-Use better control when lowering the weight. You look like a rag doll and that causes the bar to move far away from midfoot. This is evident in how long it takes you to set up for the following rep.
-I highly highly recommend watching the following videos a few times and let them sink in.
-I don’t do them so I can’t offer any help here
Raised my butt a lot more starting today on the deadlift. Even with a deload much harder. Working on being consistent in my new setup. found engaging lats a little less intuitive than prvsly
Tendon stretched due to new laptop on right hand so can’t type much for next couple days
Glad you were able to see some beenfit in my suggestions and I hope you don’t take any of my comments negatively. Just one person trying to help another improve!
-Overall, very nice improvement! It seems you really studied the material on your form.
-Form wise, there is one small critique that I have. When you stop at the top, you are not fully locked out. Stand ALL THE WAY up and mentally think “proud chest”. You are pretty close to standing up fully, but a little more focus on this portion of your lift will ensure that you complete the movement. Even if you have no aspiration of competing, make sure to stand all the way up. You first video you looked like you stood all the way up, but your second video you definitely were still leaning over.
-Still, your setup between reps is super super slow. I try to lift to a mental rhythm in my head and keep that rhythm no matter how hard the set feels. You are taking about 11 seconds between reps which is way too slow. Set the weight down, take a big breath, squeeze your chest up, then drag the weight up your legs. If you are limited by your breath and you are breathing really hard and feel you need a breather between reps, that an indication that your conditioning desperately needs improved.
-As far as the single goes, these are going to be heavy. I can tell you tried a few times to move the weight and it was way heavier that you anticipated. Perhaps add 1-2 more warm up sets as you work up to your working weight so that it’s not such a large jump and it doesn’t feel as heavy.
-Lastly, maybe it’s my perception of the video, but it looks like you were trying to do a set of 4, but had to stop after 3 reps and then come back for the last one??? If it was too heavy, you need to lower the weight. If you simply lost grip and could not hold onto the bar, try chalk, hook grip, or mixed grip,
-Also…get a belt
Ordered a new belt. I ordered a latch that was linked here from general leathercraft on a figenbaum post, didn’t realize prong was better, so gotta wait for that now. I will post another update, but I only DL once a week. My squat has gotten INFINITELY better after I set my knees, if I do post that again it will make you proud
I should have chalked my hands when doing large volume, I feel like a big problem on high volume deadlifts is that my grip tends to go. I also suck/don’t really know how to use deadlift straps that well
If you want something easy to use (although they are a little more $) try the versagrips. My girlfriend uses those and likes them much better than traditional straps. I however, switch to the hook grip (and while it is definitely NOT comfortable) I can grip the bar so well. It never even budges or gets close to feeling like I am going to let go.
The one tip I can confidently offer re: the clean is ELBOWS THROUGH!
Notice at the rack position of your clean your elbows are pointing straight down at the ground, you want them pointing as forward in front of you as much as you can handle (wrist mobility may be an issue but get those suckers as far forward as you can!) you want to be powerfully and quickly rotating your elbows around the bar to catch.
If you’re so inclined front squats may help with this, in order to not dump the bar on the floor you must keep your elbows forward
Edit: well done for performing the powerclean as many don’t - I certainly didn’t for as long as possible
I worked on this and cleaned this aspect up. Setup felt a lot stronger too. Gonna take a break from lifting to work on some muscle imbalance and track, but will update. My squat looks a lot better too
I thought it looked better than last time. Squats were maybe a little bit high, but probably better depth than last time. Your look like your elbows are almost directly under the weight. The way you are holding the bar does not affect the lower body workout you are getting, but you will risk elbow and wrist pain if you hold the bar like that.