Grip Strength

I’m a novice lifter, been doing the SSLP for a little more than a month.
My deadlift is 245lb.
I am able to do two reps within a reasonable amount of time (1 rep, reset, 2nd rep), but then have to wait 1-2 (maybe more) minutes between remaining reps so my hands/forearms get a break. Ends up feeling like I’m doing a few sets of singles

I’ve look at the videos for the hook grip, which I’ve “tried” (usually at my heaviest weight–not the best idea…I am going to practice it at lower weight on Monday during my warm-up).

Besides hook grip, any other recommendations/suggestions? I’ve read about wraps, but it seems like my weight is too low to start thinking about that.

Are you using chalk? When using the hook grip make sure to “lay” your thumb across the bar (thumb parallel to the bar). Hook is going to be painful at first, but once you get through that you are set. If you aren’t planning on competing there is no problem with using straps all the time if you want.

Keep practicing hook grip, and if it doesn’t work out, try a mixed grip.

Your grip slipping here is normal. Mine slipped here first time I made it to 245. As others said use chalk, try hook grip (I have arthritis in my right thumb and hook grip irritates it like no other), or use straps. As you warm up don’t use straps. Eventually your grip will get stronger. I slipped 245 through my hands the first go round but can pull 295 for reps with double overhand with chalk now without slipping. My SSC said he can pull 385 for reps double overhand without slipping. It just takes time.

Side note: My SSC did not recommend straps when a similar conversation to the OPs came up. He recommends hook or mixed but said straps where fine in my case due to the irritation and the lack of desire to compete I have.

  • Chalk is paramount.
  • Eventually you might need to go with mixed. But always try to leave it as a last resource for heavier loads.

Thank you everyone, this really helps.

Did hook grip with chalk and I feel like a new man. Did workout in less than half the time.


Chalk, use the hook grip until your hands give, then i switch to a mixed grip mid set if my grip is truly failing (SUPINATE THE HAND THAT IS FAILING). I’m no expert but your in more natural position double overhanded, usually end up being stronger. And yeah if you don’t plan to compete there’s no reason to worry about the straps that being said you have obvious grip issues so I wouldn’t neglect that.

I’m not even sure what this means, but even if you are “stronger” double overhand it doesn’t matter if you can’t hold onto the bar through the whole range of motion.

Which is why I said other stuff to help him get thru the range of motion?