Hardgainer nutrition advice in Strength 1


Thanks for all you do. Loved the Chicago seminar. Wanted to ask an opinion about nutrition - I just finished The Bridge and am on week 4 of Strength 1. Have been following the algorithms for a skinny dude in “To Be a Beast” for about 8 weeks after GOMAD for 3 months. Originally had some healthy weight gain but have stalled out. Current stats:

6’4", 205 lbs, waist 34" stable for 4 weeks
deadlift 1RM @ 8 325, squat 255, bench, 205.
Total kcal 4415, protein 280g, carbs 520g, fat 135g, meals timed 3ish hours apart with whey, chicken or eggs as my main protein source

Have been at this diet for about 4 weeks after slow titration up, hovering around 205-207 lbs, very adherent minus two weekend trips away with 48 hours of non-adherence. My lift numbers have been increasing a ton with Strength 1 (much more than 531 - ha), feeling stronger but also want my weight headed in the right direction. The last macro increase in my diet was carbs and fat. Seems like I am at the upper limit of normal on the 1.6 - 3.1 g/kg/day of protein intake so not sure what my next step is and if the diet is my issue.

Other biopsychosocial factors of note - had shoulder labrum surgery last year, newborn baby 6 months ago - although I sleep 7+ hours nightly and would subjectively say these are non-issues for training/diet.

Main goals are to be strong and to gain lean body mass weight. Would love to weigh 225 with a stable waist circumference. Just recreational athlete - not training for a meet. I am in this for the long haul and can be patient with results, but want to make sure I am doing the right thing and not wasting my efforts.




Thanks for the post and for joining. A few things:

  1. I think your protein is a bit high for what you need. I would put you down around 200g instead.
  2. I think if you’re BW isn’t going up, I would add carbohydrates and fats to make that happen.
  3. I would not let your waist get above 35"


Great thanks for the thoughts Jordan. Much appreciated. I will plan to drop the protein to 200g, keeping everything else the same, monitor the weight/WC and check back in if I run into an issue.
