Hi there - I’ve been using hook grip for the past year or so, been fine with no issues. Recently changed gyms and the bars are thinner, meaning hook grip now feels uncomfortable for me.
Tried using mixed grip, immediately felt a LOT stronger, and seemed more comfortable.
Have read The Grip Issue which recommends double overhand>hook grip>mixed grip.
There are obviously lots of horror stories our there (torn biceps, tweaked backs etc), but has anybody on here actually ever experienced any bad side effects from mixed grip? I’m thinking of just going mixed grip full time, have used it the past couple of weeks and felt great.
I’m in the group that struggles with windmilling on the pronated side.
I tried hook grip at the recommendation of SS forumites and decided I was unwilling to tolerate the discomfort, especially after going back and watching several videos of Jordan pulling 700+ with mixed grip.
I also had some windmilling with it a few times, but that was all I personally experienced. I switched mostly because it was taking me too long to set up. But just because I didn’t personally tear my bicep doesn’t mean it hasn’t ACTUALLY happened. Not a huge risk, but it’s not infinitesimal either.
I watched a youtube montage of people tearing their bicep while using the over under grip. I am now too traumatized to attempt deadlifting with this grip (this may sound like a joke but I’m serious). I use cobra wrist straps when I do my heavier working sets and don’t intend to switch back.
Hook grip 4 life. Just feels more natural to me despite my thumbs taking a beating. Once it fails me I’ll consider switching for heavy singles but so far that hasn’t happened.
Yes, some individuals have, yet all that might have gone into that injury tends to be unknown. It is generally advised that you make sure your elbows are locked out completely to avoid un-needed stress on the biceps tendon. But is it common? No, it is not.
So the first person I thought of who had injured thier bicep was a guy who lifted with Mark Bell at super training (not saying he was on steriods, just around them) so that got me thinking if there was a descrepency in natural lifters vs those using anabolic steriods.
It seems that in natural lifters the likelihood of a tendon rupture is relatively low while people taking anabolic steriods are much more likely to rupture an upper body tendon. However, it seems like the likelihood of injuring yourself in the gym deadlifting is also very low regardless of drug use. Most of the tendon ruptures in this paper are attributed to sports or moving heavy objects (not training though) Ruptured Tendons in Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Users: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study - PMC